Glare Technologies Indigo Renderer 1.1 (Size: 110.9 MB)
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| | mesh.igmesh. | 53 bytes |
| | spherebump.jpg. | 53 bytes |
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| | 2.3ds. | 53 bytes |
| | 1 | 1.48 KB |
| | 2 | 1.21 KB |
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| | envmap_test.igs. | 2.29 KB |
| | exr_env_map_test.igs. | 1.95 KB |
| | float_env_map_test.igs. | 1.89 KB |
| | glossy_buddha_test.igs. | 4.24 KB |
| | hand_skin_test.igs. | 2.62 KB |
| | head_skin_test.igs. | 2.42 KB |
| | high_poly_test.igs. | 2.92 KB |
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| | diffraction_preview.png | 35.19 KB |
| | font.ini | 1.67 KB |
| | font.png | 6.68 KB |
| | Indigo Manual.pdf | 2.2 MB |
| | indigo.exe | 8.21 MB |
| | indigo_console.exe | 7.08 MB |
| | Inifile.xml | 518 bytes |
| | ISL_stdlib.txt | 3.23 KB |
| | LastDir.txt | 66 bytes |
| | Blender Manual.pdf | 654.62 KB |
| | blendigo-2.2.1-installer.exe | 2.73 MB |
| | Cindigo Manual.pdf | 1.01 MB |
| | cindigo-2.0-installer-R10.exe | 3.57 MB |
| | cindigo-2.0-installer-R11.exe | 3.58 MB |
| | cindigo-2.0-installer-R9.exe | 3.18 MB |
| | indigo.otl | 61.57 KB |
| | | 559 bytes |
| | indigo.ds | 7.83 KB |
| | SOHOparameters. | 78 bytes |
| | | 2.8 KB |
| | | 3.13 KB |
| | | 29.34 KB |
| | default.mps | 943 bytes |
| | Exterior.mps | 944 bytes |
| | interior+ExitPortal.mps | 942 bytes |
| | interior-no_ExitPortal.mps | 941 bytes |
| | material_preview.igs | 17.43 KB |
| | Maxigo.mse | 275.29 KB |
| | None.png | 2.3 KB |
| | blackbody-temp.bmp | 14.8 KB |
| | export_igm.mse | 32.55 KB |
| | import_igm.mse | 14.19 KB |
| | Maxigo_Materials.mse | 75.91 KB |
| | Maxigo_Mod.mse | 458 bytes |
| | Maxigo_RegionTool.mse | 3.47 KB |
| | Maxigo_16a.bmp | 3.57 KB |
| | Maxigo_16i.bmp | 3.57 KB |
| | Maxigo_24a.bmp | 8.49 KB |
| | Maxigo_24i.bmp | 8.49 KB |
| | Macro_Maxigo.mcr | 174 bytes |
| | Setup-MayaToIndigo.exe | 142.65 KB |
| | SkIndigo Manual.pdf | 361.93 KB |
| | SkIndigo-2.0.12c-Installer.exe | 5.69 MB |
| | 15.ies | 303 bytes |
| | DoRF_DSCS315R3.txt | 96.09 KB |
| | RegTabWater.txt | 763 bytes |
| | XSIndigo_TestScene_1.0.9.scn | 491 KB |
| | xsindigo-1.0-workflow.pdf | 3.13 MB |
| | XSIndigoExporter_1.0.9.1_6xx.xsiaddon | 194.76 KB |
| | indigo 1.1 (1).jpg | 85.36 KB |
| | indigo 1.1 (1).png | 562.82 KB |
| | indigo 1.1 (2).jpg | 235.83 KB |
| | indigo 1.1 (2).png | 486.34 KB |
| | indigo 1.1 (3).jpg | 151.07 KB |
| | indigo 1.1 (4).jpg | 320.4 KB |
| | indigo 1.1 (5).jpg | 55.71 KB |
| | setup info.txt | 2.83 KB |
| | Torrent downloaded from | 47 bytes |
Indigo is a photorealistic renderer which simulates the physics of light to achieve near-perfect image realism. Incorporating an advanced physical camera model, a super-realistic materials system and the ability to simulate extremely complex lighting situations through Metropolis Light Transport, Indigo Renderer is capable of producing the highest levels of realism demanded by architectural and product visualisation.
Torrent includes program, installation text file in english and screenshot images.
All needed cracks and serial numbers are include to run as full version.
For Vista and Windows 7 user, disabling UAC or 'Run as administrator' may be needed.
Tested on Windows 7 RC 7100 x32 and scanned with Microsoft Security Essentials.
If you like this program buy the latest version or upgrade, sometimes 30 days is not enough time to evaluate a program.
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