George E. Dieter-Mechanical Metallurgy {SD1} .pdfseeders: 10
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Table of contents : Table of Contents......Page 5 List of Symbols......Page 18 1-1 Scope of this Book......Page 22 1-2 Strength of Materials - Basic Assumptions......Page 24 1-3 Elastic and Plastic Behavior......Page 25 1-4 Average Stress and Strain......Page 26 1-5 Tensile Deformation of Ductile Metal......Page 27 1-6 Ductile vs. Brittle Behavior......Page 28 1-7 What Constitutes Failure ?......Page 29 1-8 Concept of Stress and the Types of Stresses......Page 31 1-9 Concept of Strain and the Types of Strain......Page 33 1-10 Units of Stress and Other Quantities......Page 34 Bibliography......Page 35 2-2 Description of Stress at a Point......Page 36 2-3 State of Stress in Two Dimensions (Plane Stress)......Page 38 2-4 Mohr's Circle of Stress-- Two Dimensions......Page 43 2-5 State of Stress in Three Dimensions......Page 45 2-6 Stress Tensor......Page 49 2-7 Mohr's Circle-- Three Dimensions......Page 54 2-8 Description of Strain at a Point......Page 56 2-9 Mohr's Circle of Strain......Page 62 2-10 Hydrostatic and Deviator Components of Stress......Page 64 2-11 Elastic Stress-Strain Relations......Page 66 2-12 Calculation of Stresses from Elastic Strains......Page 69 2-13 Strain Energy......Page 71 2-14 Anisotropy of Elastic Behavior......Page 72 2-15 Stress Concentration......Page 79 2-16 Finite Element Method......Page 84 Bibliography......Page 87 3-1 Introduction......Page 88 3-2 The Flow Curve......Page 89 3-3 True Stress and True Strain......Page 91 3-4 Yielding Criteria for Ductile Metals......Page 95 3-5 Combined Stress Tests......Page 99 3-6 The Yield Locus......Page 100 3-7 Anisotropy in Yielding......Page 101 3-8 Yield Surface and Normality......Page 103 3-9 Octahedral Shear Stress and Shear Strain......Page 105 3-10 Invariants of Stress and Strain......Page 106 3-11 Plastic Stress-Strain Relations......Page 107 3-12 Two-Dimensional Plastic Flow-- Slip-Line Field Theory......Page 111 Bibliography......Page 118 4-1 Introduction......Page 120 4-2 Concepts of Crystal Geometry......Page 121 4-3 Lattice Defects......Page 125 4-4 Deformation by Slip......Page 131 4-5 Slip in a Perfect Lattice......Page 134 4-6 Slip by Dislocation Movement......Page 136 4-7 Critical Resolved Shear Stress for Slip......Page 141 4-8 Deformation of Single Crystals......Page 144 4-9 Deformation of Face-Centered Cubic Crystals......Page 147 4-10 Deformation by Twinning......Page 149 4-11 Stacking Faults......Page 152 4-12 Deformation Bands and Kink Bands......Page 154 4-13 Microstrain Behavior......Page 155 4-14 Strain Hardening of Single Crystals......Page 156 Bibliography......Page 161 5.2 Observation of Dislocations......Page 162 5-3 Burger's Vector and the Dislocation Loop......Page 167 5-4 Dislocations in the Face-Centered Cubic Lattice......Page 171 5-6 Dislocations in the Body-Centered Cubic Lattice......Page 176 5-7 Stress Fields and Energies of Dislocations......Page 177 5-8 Forces on Dislocations......Page 181 5-9 Forces Between Dislocations......Page 182 5-10 Dislocation Climb......Page 185 5-11 Intersection af Dislocations......Page 187 5-12 Jogs......Page 189 5-13 Dislocation Sources......Page 192 5-14 Multiplication of Dislocations......Page 193 5-15 Dislocation-Point Defect Interactions......Page 196 5-16 Dislocation Pile-Ups......Page 198 Bibliography......Page 200 6-1 Introduction......Page 201 6-2 Grain Boundaries and Deformation......Page 202 6-3 Strengthening From Grain Boundaries......Page 205 6-4 Low-Angle Grain Boundaries......Page 210 6-5 Yield-Point Phenomenon......Page 214 6-6 Strain Aging......Page 218 6-7 Solid-Solution Strengthening......Page 220 6-8 Deformation of Two-Phase Aggregates......Page 225 6-9 Strengthening from Fine Particles......Page 229 6-10 Fiber Strengthening......Page 237 6-11 Strengthening Due to Point Defects......Page 243 6-12 Martensite Strengthening......Page 244 6-13 Cold-Worked Structure......Page 246 6-14 Strain Hardening......Page 248 6-15 Annealing of Cold-Worked Metal......Page 250 6-16 Bauschinger Effect......Page 253 6-17 Preferred Orientation (Texture)......Page 254 Bibliography......Page 257 7-1 Introduction......Page 258 7-2 Types of Fracture in Metals......Page 259 7-3 Theoretical Cohesive Strength of Metals......Page 260 7-4 Griffith Theory of Brittle Fracture......Page 263 7-5 Fracture of Single Crystals......Page 267 7-6 Metallographic Aspects of Fracture......Page 268 7-7 Fractography......Page 271 7-8 Dislocation Theories of Brittle Fracture......Page 273 7-9 Ductile Fracture......Page 279 7-10 Notch Effects......Page 282 7-11 Concept of the Fracture Curve......Page 285 7-12 Fracture Under Combined Stresses......Page 287 7-13 Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure on Fracture......Page 288 Bibliography......Page 289 8-1 Engineering Stress-Strain Curve......Page 291 8-2 True-Stress - True-Strain Curve......Page 299 8-3 Instability in Tension......Page 305 8-4 Stress Distribution at the Neck......Page 308 8-5 Ductility Measurement in Tension Test......Page 309 8-6 Effect of Strain Rate on Flow Properties......Page 311 8-7 Effect of Temperature on Flow Properties......Page 317 8-8 Influence of Testing Machine on Flow Properties......Page 320 8-9 Constitutive Equations......Page 322 8-10 Further Consideration of Instability......Page 323 8-11 Stress-Relaxation Testing......Page 325 8-12 Thermally Activated Deformation......Page 326 8-13 Notch Tensile Test......Page 330 8-14 Tensile Properties of Steel......Page 332 8-15 Anisotropy of Tensile Properties......Page 338 Bibliography......Page 340 9-1 Introduction......Page 341 9-2 Brinell Hardness......Page 342 9-3 Meyer Hardness......Page 343 9-4 Analysis of Indentation by an Indenter......Page 344 9-5 Relationship Between Hardness and the Flow Curve......Page 345 9-6 Vickers Hardness......Page 347 9-7 Rockwell Hardness Test......Page 348 9-8 Microhardness Tests......Page 350 9-9 Hardness-Conversion Relationships......Page 351 9-10 Hardness at Elevated Temperatures......Page 352 Bibliography......Page 353 10-1 Introduction......Page 354 10-2 Mechanical Properties in Torsion......Page 355 10-3 Torsional Stresses for Large Plastic Strains......Page 357 10-4 Types of Torsion Failures......Page 359 10-5 Torsion Test vs. Tension Test......Page 360 10-6 Hot Torsion Testing......Page 361 Bibliography......Page 363 11-1 Introduction......Page 364 11-2 Strain-Energy Release Rate......Page 365 11-3 Stress Intensity Factor......Page 367 11-4 Fracture Toughness and Design......Page 369 11-5 Kic Plane-Strain Toughness Testing......Page 372 11-6 Plasticity Corrections......Page 376 11-7 Crack-Opening Displacement......Page 378 11-8 J-Integral......Page 380 11-9 R-Curve......Page 384 11-10 Probabalistic Aspects of Fracture Mechanics......Page 385 11-11 Toughness of Materials......Page 388 Bibliography......Page 390 12-1 Introduction......Page 391 12-2 Stress Cycles......Page 392 12-3 The S-N Curve......Page 394 12-4 Statistical Nature of Fatigue......Page 396 12-5 Effect of Mean Stress on Fatigue......Page 398 12-6 Cyclic Stress-Strain Curve......Page 403 12-7 Low-Cycle Fatigue......Page 406 12-8 Strain-Life Equation......Page 408 12-9 Structural Features of Fatigue......Page 410 12-10 Fatigue Crack Propagation......Page 414 12-11 Effect of Stress Concentration on Fatigue......Page 418 12-12 Size Effect......Page 422 12-13 Surface Effects and Fatigue......Page 423 12-14 Fatigue Under Combined Stresses......Page 428 12-15 Cumulative Fatigue Damage and Sequence Effects......Page 429 12-16 Effect of Metallurgical Variables on Fatigue......Page 431 12-17 Design for Fatigue......Page 435 12-18 Machine Design Approach - Infinite-Life Design......Page 437 12-19 Local Strain Approach......Page 438 12-20 Corrosion Fatigue......Page 441 12-21 Effect of Temperature on Fatigue......Page 444 Bibliography......Page 446 13-1 The High-Temperature Materials Problem......Page 448 13-2 Time-Dependent Mechanical Behavior......Page 450 13-3 The Creep Curve......Page 454 13-4 The Stress-Rupture Test......Page 457 13-5 Structural Changes During Creep......Page 458 13-6 Mechanisms of Creep Deformation......Page 461 13-7 Deformation Mechanism Maps......Page 465 13-8 Activation Energy for Steady-State Creep......Page 466 13-9 Superplasticity......Page 468 13-10 Fracture at Elevated Temperature......Page 469 13-11 High-Temperature Alloys......Page 473 13-12 Presentation of Engineering Creep Data......Page 475 13-13 Prediction of Long-Time Properties......Page 477 13-14 Creep Under Combined Stress......Page 481 13-15 Creep-Fatigue Interaction......Page 482 Bibliography......Page 486 14-1 The Brittle-Fracture Problem......Page 487 14-2 Notched-Bar Impact Tests......Page 488 14-3 Instrumented Charpy Test......Page 491 14-4 Significance of Transition-Temperature Curve......Page 492 14-5 Metallurgical Factors Affecting Transition Temperature......Page 494 14-6 Drop-Weight Test and Other Large-Scale Tests......Page 499 14-7 Fracture Analysis Diagram......Page 502 14-8 Temper Embrittlement......Page 505 14-9 Environment Sensitive Fracture......Page 506 14-10 Flow and Fracture Under Very Rapid Rates of Loading......Page 512 Bibliography......Page 515 15-1 Classification of Forming Processes......Page 518 15-2 Mechanics of Metalworking......Page 521 15-3 Flow-Stress Determination......Page 534 15-4 Temperature in Metalworking......Page 539 15-5 Strain-Rate Effects......Page 545 15-6 Metallurgical Structure......Page 547 15-7 Friction and Lubrication......Page 554 15-8 Deformation-Zone Geometry......Page 564 15-9 Hydrostatic Pressure......Page 565 15-10 Workability......Page 569 15-11 Residual Stresses......Page 572 15-12 Experimental Techniques for Metalworking Processes......Page 574 15-13 Computer-Aided Manufacturing......Page 576 Bibliography......Page 578 16-1 Classification of Forging......Page 579 16-2 Forging Equipment......Page 582 16-3 Forging in Plane Strain......Page 586 16-4 Open-Die Forging......Page 590 16-5 Closed-Die Forging......Page 592 16-7 Forging Defects......Page 596 16-8 Powder Metallurgy Forging......Page 598 Bibliography......Page 600 17-1 Classification of Rolling Processes......Page 601 17-2 Rolling Mills......Page 602 17-3 Hot-Rolling......Page 605 17-4 Cold-Rolling......Page 606 17-5 Rolling of Bars and Shapes......Page 607 17-6 Forces and Geometrical Relationships in Rolling......Page 608 17-7 Simplified Analysis of Rolling Load: Rolling Variables......Page 612 17-8 Problems and Defects in Rolled Products......Page 616 17-9 Rolling-Mill Control......Page 621 17-10 Theories of Cold Rolling......Page 622 17-11 Theories of Hot Rolling......Page 626 17-12 Torque and Power......Page 627 Bibliography......Page 630 18-1 Classification......Page 631 18-2 Extrusion Equipment......Page 633 18-3 Hot Extrusion......Page 635 18-4 Deformation, Lubrication, and Defects in Extrusion......Page 637 18-5 Analysis of the Extrusion Process......Page 640 18-7 Hydrostatic Extrusion......Page 645 18-8 Extrusion of Tubing......Page 646 Bibliography......Page 649 19-2 Rod and Wiredrawing......Page 650 19-3 Analysis of Wiredrawing......Page 654 19-4 Tube-Drawing Processes......Page 661 19-5 Analysis of Tube Drawing......Page 662 19-6 Residual Stresses in Rod, Wire, and Tubes......Page 663 Bibliography......Page 665 20-1 Introduction......Page 666 20-2 Forming Methods......Page 668 20-3 Shearing and Blanking......Page 672 20-4 Bending......Page 674 20-5 Stretch Forming......Page 677 20-6 Deep Drawing......Page 681 20-7 Forming Limit Criteria......Page 688 20-8 Defects in Formed Parts......Page 691 Bibliography......Page 693 21-1 Types of Machining Operations......Page 694 21-2 Mechanisms of Machining......Page 696 21-3 Three-Dimensional Machining......Page 705 21-4 Temperature in Metal Cutting......Page 707 21-5 Cutting Fluids......Page 708 21-6 Tool Materials and Tool Life......Page 709 21-7 Grinding Processes......Page 714 21-8 Nontraditional Machining Processes......Page 719 21-9 Economics of Machining......Page 720 Bibliography......Page 723 A. The International System of Units......Page 724 B. Problems......Page 727 Answers to Selected Problems......Page 749 Name Index......Page 754 Subject Index......Page 762 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sharing Widget |