Football Manager 2011 Cut-Out MEGAPACK Version 3.10 facepackseeders: 0
leechers: 0
Football Manager 2011 Cut-Out MEGAPACK Version 3.10 facepack (Size: 4.67 GB)
FM 11 Cut-Out MEGAPACK Version 3.10
(For use with FM09 & FM10 & FM11) (27/8/11) This is simply an UPDATE/Add-on for MEGAPACK VERSION 3.0. For optimum results, we suggest you ensure you have downloaded updates 3.1 to 3.9 before applying this update, unless you are downloading the full stand-alone 3.9 pack. This Megapack has been compiled by the crack cut-out team at - please visit the forums and the site for regular updates and more!! Installation Instructions: Once downloaded, place the contents (not the folder itself) of this UPDATE into the folder here: > My Documents>Sports Interactive>Football Manager 2011>graphics>faces> MEGAPACK 3.0 or whichever name you gave to the base megapack folder. ACCEPT ALL OVERWRITE WARNINGS!! You should only have one folder full of images and not a separate folder for each update! Then do the following (if you haven\'t already done so) Launch Football Manager 2011. When loaded go straight into game preferences from the intro screen. Click on \'Display and Sound\' on the tree menu. Make sure that you tick the check box on the page called \'Always Reload Skin on Confirm\' and un-tick then box saying \'Use Skin Cache\'. Now press confirm on the tree menu. There should be a box that pops up saying \'loading image data for the new skin\'. Once this is done your graphics should be working within the game. In the case of duplicate images we have chosen the best quality and, where appropriate, most recent. Having reviewed the images we recommend using SI\'s default skin as many of the pictures have a white/grey edge which will show up on a dark skin. Apologies to those whose cut-outs haven\'t made it into the pack, we have chosen SI\'s default style of headshot with a tiny bit of collar where possible. If you would rather have a different image from that provided or you have found a missing or incorrect cut or if you need some sort of help or assistance, we recommend visiting the appropriate thread in the Facepack-Cutout Style forum on the forums, always following the rules and guidelines set out within each individual thread when posting. Credits Cutting Out faces takes a lot of time and commitment and I would like to recognise EACH and EVERY contributor to the world of cut-outs, both the image requesters and, more importantly, the cutters. See the list below. If I have forgotten to credit someone, please let me know and I\'ll gladly update this file for the next release. WeΓΓé¼Γäóre always on the look-out for help on both the requesting and the cutting front so pop into the forums if you want to give a hand Also if there any mistakes (wrong IDs) let me know. 004 18EVERTON78 4eScholl 70club/Gordon1965 7oy 919324935 adi5555 adianady Ado77 Adrianek14 afterware Ajcham Akuakuaku alberttuning ales alex164 alexis777 AlienAndy ameami AMiCCelSen anderson56 andresm_91 andystronguk Anthemon ar.grininger Ar2r Aragao Arshavin Axa b_mack_ BAD RELIGION badzi 69 bakizp Batista0727 baz1 begoodpam Beast72 Becks_23 BFL-Team Bigreddevil Blackmetalboon Bluedragon boco78 BradH Brightfame bronek7 bugi42 cachirro Caner Ozaskin Canto7 castor.troy Cavanagh celtfan79 CFCAdams Chadders. Chainik chmielu Chrisbor Circly Cisquinho City Gent cliffyboro CML CM Revolution ( ─┼Æovjek Kukuruz Coxis crash2772 CrokeyBoyx crookes Dacho Dahmer DamianMKS dan90 Daniel daniel22 danielinho datoq deadur Deano1903 deanstokes96 Dida Diogo Djdannyp dpeter Drakestone dustdevil7 Ed7 eggedger Ehmo eiji13 Eire-Dearg Elixir elmagnifico elnino06 EpicNess Epiphany Erlandsson Ernesttico esbendk Faryds fatila fcgb260 fm22 fmator87 FMIsrael fmnorge FORZA fra Frankie7 Fran93 frodomin Frohus Fuego Furious P garyh geordie1981 GeorgieB82 Giovani GodOfSheep Goteamgaz gothenburg-1983 Greenbeard Green Lion Guddy-Ortega Gyver Hadfield17 hammersmad Hampton Hasjasja Hazza Henta hidalgo hjs hollow101 Hurysek Hutoew ilovespurs Irons itayn James de Bear jamundj janmukda jennaluv04 Jerome Lebez JerseyGal Jhemre jimbot182 Joe Condor Jonas Joopiter jose77 jozef94sfc jumberto JVC_1995 Kalan Kallunga Karas Karpin Kasper The Deity Kastro Katastrophe kenny : ) Khan King Matty Kleyo Kondi192 Kongdo konradstw kremmen Kriss kyledinho L!nk1n laushilin LCFC4EVER Leones lestat Lil_Joey liver495 Lokypedro Lozano Ludia1914 lutonjohn madsruud Man_Overboard ManagersNET Mandrilaftalen Man v.1 mariuskl Marosh08 marrtac Maxi Z Maxt18 maxtod77 mazz MichuKosiarZ Mikyrn Miller2202 mixon mmanolis mons montrosefc mozinho mpak Mr Manager Mr Mickey MRC Msmichal mufckingud7 Mullen18 mysterio nanci neomann net NiceLad nom NSM off_side oicelef Olesya ollie1988 oneilpapas OptimusTF orange2000 Oz-Gunner pacoshoreroad pacouk paczyn paradosso pasgio patryk11 Paul Norman paul_13 pe3ucTop pellizaro Peritri Peter pheenix41 piss1122 poodmund proeddras13 Pumuky qweewq q-tips rallyefan2006 Ramberman rambo180 RANGERS1976 Red_Dog002 remember \'67 Renato Almeida rfreixo Ricken Riquelme RiZO rmbrasil RND Corp. Robertsen Rowan Rowan rtsrobintje Ruslanincha Rydeen Saintsbreakmyheart Salvio Sam Sanjok) Sanderholm Schleimer Schweigi Seagal SFC2010 shervin90 shevelevee shmickey shqvarny sghiminini Siborg Side Splitting Pass skrzypek08 skuba slacker5204 Smiteras Sneijder Snk Snowy! sonycannon spadgebump Sports Interactive Graphics Team SteFF Striker57 Stumpe Stuart1976 StyleZ Su┼ΓÇ║i─┬ì TBFP td_1995 TH14_07 The_Bulgarian the_colonel TheHoff The Hammer timtim11 TiRsTrUp ToyboyElvis Tofu Tomalak Tomha Trickstyler TripleA Truster99 tturbo1 UniK US ARSENAL van6969 venomenon VERSUSTHEWORLD Vialoop vrachar warnerbros92 wookiemiyake xakax Xanthian xx170xx Yallii yan3k yeyooo zaccki zbla dinamo Zecha Zoolu Sharing Widget |