Flotsam Flush - Alan O'Reilly

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The book Cleaning-Up Hazardous Materials by Dr Kirk DiVietro of the DBS, Dean Burgon Society, Executive Committee is an attack on the book Hazardous Materials by Dr Mrs Gail Riplinger (will be uploaded) because Sister Riplinger believes that the 1611 Holy Bible is “all scripture” that “is given by inspiration of God” 2 Timothy 3:16.
By contrast, Dr DiVietro is a Hebrew/Aramaic/Greek ‘originals-onlyist.’ He does not have “all scripture” that “is given by inspiration of God” because he cannot specify where these words are “in the Greek” and “in the Hebrew”.

The only way that Dr DiVietro could prove his stance is by producing the original manu-scripts, which he can’t, because he has no written equivalent authority to the original writings by which he can put hand on heart and truthfully declare that it is the original. Everything else is just “evil surmisings” on his part 1 Timothy 6:4. Dr DiVietro and the DBS Executive Committee are today’s Nicolaitans and differ only from Kutilek, White, Hudson, Hymers etc. in that they don’t adopt modern versions but prefer what is framed by themselves, and hammered on their anvil, as the Epistle Dedicatory says, using the Greek and the Hebrew so-called.

It is apparent therefore, as this author showed in an earlier work that Drs Waite, DiVietro and their fellow travellers are themselves the source of ‘the Greek etc.’ to which they demand that King James Bible believers meekly submit under pain of falling into error and false doctrine if they don’t.
Ordinary Bible believers like this author are not about to bow down to that kind of Nicolaitan blackmail and tyranny.

Alan O'Reilly's work Flotsam Flush reveals and rebukes the superficial, misleading and unscriptural nature of DiVietro's claims.

About the author:
Alan O’Reilly was born in Sydney, Australia and is a Chemical Engineer by training. Through the witness of The Navigators, he became a Christian while a student at the University of New South Wales in 1967. For the last 25 years, he has extensively investigated the text of the Authorised Version of the Bible. Covenant Publishers have made much of this research available in a 352-page book entitled “O Biblios”. Alan is a contender for the faith, believing that “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God," which has been preserved in the Authorized Version of the Holy Bible. His writings are a superb blend of the spiritual and the academic.


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Flotsam Flush - Alan O'Reilly