| | contents.xcplayground | 247 bytes |
| | Results.playgrounddata | 263 bytes |
| | section-1.swift | 167 bytes |
| | Timeline.xctimeline | 408 bytes |
| | Age of Laika.xccheckout | 1.48 KB |
| | UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate | 8.16 KB |
| | UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate | 16.26 KB |
| | contents.xcworkspacedata | 157 bytes |
| | Age of Laika.xcscheme | 4.14 KB |
| | xcschememanagement.plist | 574 bytes |
| | Age of Laika.xcscheme | 4.14 KB |
| | xcschememanagement.plist | 574 bytes |
| | PROJECT.pbxproj | 14.54 KB |
| | main.storyboard | 5.9 KB |
| | contents.json | 333 bytes |
| | contents.json | 442 bytes |
| | AppDelegate.swift | 2.13 KB |
| | info.plist | 1.13 KB |
| | ViewController.swift | 1.13 KB |
| | Age_of_LaikaTests.swift | 921 bytes |
| | info.plist | 747 bytes |
| | AppDelegate.swift | 2.13 KB |
| | info.plist | 1.13 KB |
| | ViewController.swift | 1.13 KB |
| | Lemonade Stand.xccheckout | 1.49 KB |
| | UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate | 18.49 KB |
| | contents.xcworkspacedata | 159 bytes |
| | Breakpoints_v2.xcbkptlist | 91 bytes |
| | Lemonade Stand.xcscheme | 4.18 KB |
| | xcschememanagement.plist | 576 bytes |
| | PROJECT.pbxproj | 15.21 KB |
| | LaunchScreen.xib | 3.63 KB |
| | main.storyboard | 1.54 KB |
| | contents.json | 585 bytes |
| | Cold.png | 1.86 KB |
| | Cold@2x.png | 8.78 KB |
| | contents.json | 335 bytes |
| | contents.json | 335 bytes |
| | MILD.png | 1.99 KB |
| | Mild@2x.png | 9.17 KB |
| | contents.json | 335 bytes |
| | WARM.png | 1.69 KB |
| | Warm@2x.png | 7.93 KB |
| | AppDelegate.swift | 2.01 KB |
| | info.plist | 1.19 KB |
| | ViewController.swift | 18.91 KB |
| | info.plist | 747 bytes |
| | Lemonade_StandTests.swift | 927 bytes |
| | AppDelegate.swift | 2.01 KB |
| | info.plist | 1.19 KB |
| | ViewController.swift | 18.91 KB |
| | Lions and Tigers.xccheckout | 1.49 KB |
| | UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate | 19.31 KB |
| | UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate | 13.3 KB |
| | contents.xcworkspacedata | 161 bytes |
| | Breakpoints_v2.xcbkptlist | 91 bytes |
| | Lions and Tigers.xcscheme | 4.21 KB |
| | xcschememanagement.plist | 578 bytes |
| | Lions and Tigers.xcscheme | 4.21 KB |
| | xcschememanagement.plist | 578 bytes |
| | PROJECT.pbxproj | 18.99 KB |
| | main.storyboard | 6.04 KB |
| | contents.json | 417 bytes |
| | contents.json | 442 bytes |
| | AppDelegate.swift | 2.13 KB |
| | BengalTiger.jpg | 762.03 KB |
| | BO.jpg | 2.21 MB |
| | info.plist | 1.13 KB |
| | jrt.jpg | 94.84 KB |
| | lion.swift | 743 bytes |
| | LIONCUB.swift | 300 bytes |
| | MalayanTiger.jpg | 181.61 KB |
| | RedBalloon1.jpg | 92.51 KB |
| | RedBalloon2.jpg | 20.93 KB |
| | info.plist | 747 bytes |
| | Lions_and_TigersTests.swift | 933 bytes |
| | AppDelegate.swift | 2.13 KB |
| | BengalTiger.jpg | 762.03 KB |
| | BO.jpg | 2.21 MB |
| | info.plist | 1.13 KB |
| | jrt.jpg | 94.84 KB |
| | lion.swift | 743 bytes |
| | LIONCUB.swift | 300 bytes |
| | MalayanTiger.jpg | 181.61 KB |
| | RedBalloon1.jpg | 92.51 KB |
| | RedBalloon2.jpg | 20.93 KB |
| | Postcard.xccheckout | 1.47 KB |
| | UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate | 18.39 KB |
| | contents.xcworkspacedata | 153 bytes |
| | Postcard.xcscheme | 4.07 KB |
| | xcschememanagement.plist | 570 bytes |
| | PROJECT.pbxproj | 15.16 KB |
| | main.storyboard | 12.45 KB |
| | contents.json | 333 bytes |
| | contents.json | 442 bytes |
| | AppDelegate.swift | 2.12 KB |
| | BO.jpg | 2.21 MB |
| | info.plist | 1.13 KB |
| | jrt.jpg | 94.84 KB |
| | ViewController.swift | 1.05 KB |
| | info.plist | 747 bytes |
| | PostcardTests.swift | 909 bytes |
| | AppDelegate.swift | 2.12 KB |
| | BO.jpg | 2.21 MB |
| | info.plist | 1.13 KB |
| | jrt.jpg | 94.84 KB |
| | ViewController.swift | 1.05 KB |
| | ShoeConverter.xccheckout | 1.48 KB |
| | UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate | 14.11 KB |
| | contents.xcworkspacedata | 158 bytes |
| | Breakpoints_v2.xcbkptlist | 91 bytes |
| | ShoeConverter.xcscheme | 4.16 KB |
| | xcschememanagement.plist | 575 bytes |
| | PROJECT.pbxproj | 14.56 KB |
| | main.storyboard | 5.9 KB |
| | contents.json | 333 bytes |
| | contents.json | 442 bytes |
| | AppDelegate.swift | 2.13 KB |
| | info.plist | 1.13 KB |
| | ViewController.swift | 921 bytes |
| | info.plist | 747 bytes |
| | ShoeConverterTests.swift | 924 bytes |
| | AppDelegate.swift | 2.13 KB |
| | info.plist | 1.13 KB |
| | ViewController.swift | 921 bytes |
| | SlotMachine.xccheckout | 1.48 KB |
| | UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate | 19.93 KB |
| | contents.xcworkspacedata | 156 bytes |
| | Breakpoints_v2.xcbkptlist | 91 bytes |
| | SlotMachine.xcscheme | 4.12 KB |
| | xcschememanagement.plist | 573 bytes |
| | PROJECT.pbxproj | 16.31 KB |
| | LaunchScreen.xib | 3.62 KB |
| | main.storyboard | 1.54 KB |
| | ACE.png | 20.62 KB |
| | Ace@2x.png | 20.62 KB |
| | contents.json | 333 bytes |
| | contents.json | 585 bytes |
| | contents.json | 337 bytes |
| | EIGHT.png | 35.15 KB |
| | Eight@2x.png | 35.15 KB |
| | contents.json | 335 bytes |
| | FIVE.png | 29.03 KB |
| | Five@2x.png | 29.03 KB |
| | contents.json | 335 bytes |
| | four.png | 29.48 KB |
| | Four@2x.png | 29.48 KB |
| | contents.json | 335 bytes |
| | jack.png | 68.24 KB |
| | Jack@2x.png | 68.24 KB |
| | contents.json | 335 bytes |
| | King.png | 62.67 KB |
| | King@2x.png | 62.67 KB |
| | contents.json | 335 bytes |
| | nine.png | 44.39 KB |
| | Nine@2x.png | 44.39 KB |
| | contents.json | 337 bytes |
| | Queen.png | 67.5 KB |
| | Queen@2x.png | 67.5 KB |
| | contents.json | 337 bytes |
| | Seven.png | 33.58 KB |
| | Seven@2x.png | 33.58 KB |
| | contents.json | 333 bytes |
| | SIX.png | 32.87 KB |
| | Six@2x.png | 32.87 KB |
| | contents.json | 333 bytes |
| | Ten.png | 38.04 KB |
| | Ten@2x.png | 38.04 KB |
| | contents.json | 337 bytes |
| | THREE.png | 25.01 KB |
| | Three@2x.png | 25.01 KB |
| | contents.json | 333 bytes |
| | TWO.png | 17.38 KB |
| | Two@2x.png | 17.38 KB |
| | AppDelegate.swift | 2.01 KB |
| | factory.swift | 1.96 KB |
| | info.plist | 1.19 KB |
| | Slot.swift | 261 bytes |
| | SlotBrain.swift | 1.33 KB |
| | ViewController.swift | 10.63 KB |
| | info.plist | 747 bytes |
| | SlotMachineTests.swift | 918 bytes |
| | AppDelegate.swift | 2.01 KB |
| | factory.swift | 1.96 KB |
| | info.plist | 1.19 KB |
| | Slot.swift | 261 bytes |
| | SlotBrain.swift | 1.33 KB |
| | ViewController.swift | 10.63 KB |
| | TaskIt.xccheckout | 1.46 KB |
| | UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate | 28.12 KB |
| | contents.xcworkspacedata | 151 bytes |
| | Breakpoints_v2.xcbkptlist | 91 bytes |
| | TaskIt.xcscheme | 4.04 KB |
| | xcschememanagement.plist | 568 bytes |
| | PROJECT.pbxproj | 18.57 KB |
| | LaunchScreen.xib | 3.62 KB |
| | main.storyboard | 19.83 KB |
| | contents.json | 1.05 KB |
| | contents | 875 bytes |
| | AddTaskViewController.swift | 2 KB |
| | AppDelegate.swift | 5.41 KB |
| | date.swift | 721 bytes |
| | info.plist | 1.47 KB |
| | TaskCell.swift | 511 bytes |
| | TaskDetailViewController.swift | 1.73 KB |
| | TaskModel.swift | 372 bytes |
| | ViewController.swift | 4.91 KB |
| | info.plist | 747 bytes |
| | TaskItTests.swift | 903 bytes |
| | AddTaskViewController.swift | 2 KB |
| | AppDelegate.swift | 5.41 KB |
| | date.swift | 721 bytes |
| | info.plist | 1.47 KB |
| | TaskCell.swift | 511 bytes |
| | TaskDetailViewController.swift | 1.73 KB |
| | TaskModel.swift | 372 bytes |
| | ViewController.swift | 4.91 KB |
| | contents.xcplayground | 247 bytes |
| | Results.playgrounddata | 263 bytes |
| | section-1.swift | 654 bytes |
| | Timeline.xctimeline | 120 bytes |
| | contents.xcplayground | 247 bytes |
| | Results.playgrounddata | 263 bytes |
| | section-1.swift | 491 bytes |
| | Timeline.xctimeline | 120 bytes |
| | AppDelegate.swift | 2.02 KB |
| | balloon.swift | 807 bytes |
| | BerlinTVTower.jpg | 1.61 MB |
| | info.plist | 1.19 KB |
| | RedBalloon1.jpg | 92.51 KB |
| | RedBalloon2.jpg | 20.93 KB |
| | RedBalloon3.jpg | 486.89 KB |
| | RedBalloon4.jpg | 83.34 KB |
| | ViewController.swift | 882 bytes |