Enemi d\' Etat (film-pal) [snd: fre-eng-sze-mag_sbseeders: 0
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Enemi d\' Etat (film-pal) [snd: fre-eng-sze-mag_sb (Size: 6.54 GB)
**************************[CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES]****************************
LANGUE: francais, anglais, tchèque, maguyar SOUS-TITRE: anglais, francais, portugais, croate, maguyar, islandais, grecque FORMAT FILM:...............FORMAT VIDEO: 2,35:1.....................16:9 (boîte aux lettres) STANDARD VIDEO:............STANDARD AUDIO:..........ZONAGE: PAL........................stereo 5.1...............libre=========================[CARACTERISTIQUES DVDIQUES]=============================== TYPE:......................NOM:.....................NUMERISATION: 2xDVD-R....................film.....................native (pas de recompression)====================[CARACTERISTIQUES CINEMATOGRAPHIQUES]========================== TITRE:....................REALISATION:..............SORTIE EN SALLE:.....PUBLIC: Enemi d' Etat.............Tony Scott................06 janvier 1999......à partir de 17 ans RESUME: Robert Clayton Dean, avocat engage depuis ses debuts dans une lutte acharnee contre la mafia, rencontre fortuitement un ami d'enfance, temoin malgre lui d'un meurtre politique, ce qui plonge aussitot l'avocat dans un engrenage infernal. Il devient ainsi le dernier possesseur de la seule preuve existante du crime commis par Thomas Reynolds, le directeur de la NSA, l'organisation gouvernementale la plus secrete et la plus puissante des Etats-Unis, envers un depute. Reynolds va deployer toutes ses ressources pour neutraliser et discrediter Dean. http://www.allocine.fr/film/fichefilm_gen_cfilm=16026.html*************************[TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS]******************************* LANGUAGE: french, english, szech, magyar SUBTITLE: english, french, portugese, hrvatsky, magyar, islenska, greek PROJECTION FORMAT:.......VIDEO FORMAT: 2.35:1...................16:9 (letter box) VIDEO:....................SOUND:....................ZONE: PAL.......................stereo 5.1................free=============================[DVD CARACTERISTICS]================================== TYPE:.....................NAME:.....................DIGITALIZATION: 2xDVD-R...................film......................native (not shrunk)============================[FILM CARACTERISTICS]================================== TITTLE:...................DIRECTED BY:.............THEATRICAL RELEASE:...PUBLIC: Enemy of the State........Tony Scott...............26 december 1998......from 17 years old RESUME: Robert Dean (Will Smith) is a labor lawyer who is unknowingly in possession of evidence related to a serious politically motivated crime. Government agents eager to hide their guilt believe that Dean is on to them, and proceed to turn his life upside-down, ruin his reputation, and frame him for various incidents, thanks to the latest in high-tech government surveillance techniques. In an attempt to clear his name and reclaim his life, Dean teams up with the reclusive Brill (Gene Hackman), a former federal employee who has as much high-tech equipment and expertise as the government itself. Hackman's role is an extension of Harry Caul, the character he portrayed in Francis Ford Coppola's brilliant 1974 film, THE CONVERSATION. Smith scores as a man who is desperate to reclaim his identity and prove his innocence. This intense technological thrill-ride from director Tony Scott questions how much access the government should have to the communications of private citizens, and leaves the viewer with the unsettling feeling that Big Brother is definitely watching. Watch for the uncredited appearances of Jason Robards, Seth Green, Tom Sizemore, and Philip Baker Hall. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120660/ Related Torrents
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