[DVD] Unsolved Mysteries - The UFO Files - Part 3.divxseeders: 0
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[DVD] Unsolved Mysteries - The UFO Files - Part 3.divx (Size: 692.06 MB)
Unsolved Mysteries
The UFO Files Part 3 of 4: Austrailian UFO Missing Time Socorro Close Encounter Kecksburg UFO Texas UFO Face On Mars Would it surprise you to know that Unsolved Mysteries is one of the longest running television series of all time? From 1987 until his death in 2003, Robert Stack (probably best known as the original Eliot Ness in the 1950s TV series, The Untouchables) hosted this show that explored the paranormal. One part documentary, one part investigative report, and another part re-enactment drama. The UFO Files though Unsolved Mysteries has endured since 1987, the producers were savvy enough to update the show making sure that UFO segments had an X-Files-esque feel to them. Robert Stack, clad in a trademark trench coat, introduces each segment with semi-serious gravity, as if he were revealing a government secret to Mulder and Sculley. Each UFO segment plays like a mini-documentary. There are interviews with the eyewitnesses, analysis from experts in the field, some occasional footage and a re-enactment drama with low-budget special effects. The overall effect is quite earnest The audience will be intrigued by the interviews and the sightings with photographic evidence are always fascinating. Adding to the feeling of an unbiased documentary, the experts both sceptics and believers explain their positions while witnesses are run through lie detector tests or are corroborated with the local police chief or reverend. The end result is that the viewer is left with compelling evidence, credible witnesses but asked to draw their own conclusions. 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