DriverMax 7.4 Full Version Cracked with Keyseeders: 3
leechers: 3
DriverMax 7.4 Full Version Cracked with Key (Size: 5.54 MB)
DescriptionWhy update my system drivers ? In computing, a device driver or software driver is a computer program allowing higher-level computer programs to interact with a hardware device. A driver typically communicates with the device through the computer bus or communications subsystem to which the hardware connects. index-question What kind of drivers cand DriverMax update ? Windows XP system drivers, Motherboards, Network Adapters, Video Adapters, Digital Cameras / Camcorders, MP3 Players, USB Devices, Modems, Keyboard, Windows Vista system drivers, VOIP (Voice Over IP) Phones, CD and DVD Drives, Sound Cards, Printers, Scanners, Webcams, Hard Disks, Wireless Devices, Mouse from different manufacturers like 3Com, Adaptec, AMD, Atheros, BenQ, Brother, Cisnet, Conexant, CXT, D-Link, Genius, Hauppauge, Hp, Intel, Leadtek, Lexmark, Logitech, Maxtor, MPC, Nikon, NVidia, Olympus, Philips, RealTek, Saitek, Sapphire, Sharp, Sony Ericcson , Toshiba, Western Digital question DriverMax is able to display a full report of all installed drivers This feature can be very useful when you want to analyze the differences between the driver versions installed on different machines or when talking to tech support. You can also export all your current drivers to a folder or a compressed file. When reinstalling Windows you will have all drivers in one place! question What device driver types can update ? Motherboard computer drivers are small programs that are read by Windows and allow basic computer functions while inside the operating system. These computer drivers normally include programs that enable broadband ports, USB ports and input / output ports for the mouse and keyboard. Depending on the manufacturer of the motherboard, these drivers may also include basic drivers for video and audio support. You can easily update these drivers using DriverMax, the free computer driver update tool. Give it a try and download the latest driver update for any hardware device! Hardware drivers are programs that are designed to allow pieces of computer hardware to function on a computer. Video cards, sound cards, network cards and other expansion cards come with driver discs to ease the installation process of the hardware. Other devices, like certain kinds of digital cameras and MP3 players, have PC drivers programmed into their software for easy use on most makes of personal computers. DriverMax lets you download for free any driver update that you might need for your PC (video display adapter, graphics card, network adapter, sound controller, bluetooth, USB, camera, keyboard, mouse, hard driver, etc). Sharing Widget |