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Dr. Norman Geisler Book Collection (Size: 136.26 MB)
Description![]() About the author: Norman L. Geisler (born 1932) is a Christian systematic theologian, philosopher, and apologist. He is the co-founder of two non-denominational Evangelical seminaries. Geisler's education includes a Th.B. (1964) from William Tyndale College, B.A. in philosophy (1958) and M.A. in theology (1960) from Wheaton College, and a Ph.D. in philosophy from Loyola University. He had additional graduate work at Wayne State University, the University of Detroit, and Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. Buy: http://www.amazon.com/Norman-L.-Geisler/e/B000APBJR8 ![]() About the books: Answering Islam: The Crescent in Light of the Cross Answering Islam evaluates the claims of orthodox Islam from a Christian point of view, appealing especially to the Qur'an and the Bible. The authors, a Christian apologist and a former Muslim, provide apologetic answers to prepare Christians for ministry in the Islamic context. This second edition contains two new appendices, a new preface written in light of September 11, 2001, and updated information throughout. Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics This comprehensive reference volume covers every key issue, person, and concept related to Christian apologetics from Anselm to Zen. Biblical Errancy: An Analysis of its Philosophical Roots Philosophical assumptions are often “caught” rather than taught. They are picked up unawares in the culture and through education. They are contracted almost like a common cold, simply by breathing the contaminated “air” of our age. But like the undesirable virus, these unacceptable assumptions are to be both guarded against and treated when caught. The philosophical “air” is alive with everything from Bacon's inductivism to Heidegger's mysticism, with Hume's skepticism, Kant's agnosticism, Hegel's transcendentalism, Kierkegaard's existentialism, Nietzsche's atheistic relativism, and Wittgenstein's linguistic non-cognitivism. Few errantists may admit the influences of most of these men on their thinking, but only the naive and untrained can miss the marks of these philosophers in their writings. We hope that, by exposing these alien presuppositions, these essays will alert evangelicals to the philosophical roots of biblical errancy in other areas as well. Creation and the Courts: Eighty Years of Conflict in the Classroom and the Courtroom In Creation and the Courts, Norman Geisler offers a behind-the-scenes look at the testimonies and arguments of the prosecution and defense of the major creation vs evolution court battles. Geisler offers a compelling look at the erosion of Christian influence in America's public schools. Creation and the Courts encourages readers to learn from the past judicial fights and to take their rightful places in the battle. These conflicts in today's classrooms and courtrooms must continue to be fought, and anyone willing to be a soldier must be equipped with the knowledge found in this book. Defending Inerrancy: Affirming the Accuracy of Scripture for a New Generation Leading apologist and bestselling author Norman L. Geisler, who was one of the original drafters of the "Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy," and his coauthor, William C. Roach, present here a defense of the traditional understanding of inerrancy for a new generation of Christians who are being assaulted with challenges to the nature of God, truth, and language. Four Views on Eternal Security Does the Bible support the concept of 'once saved, always saved,' or can a person lose his or her salvation? How do the Scriptures portray the complex interplay between grace and free will? These and related questions are explored from different angles in this thought-provoking Counterpoints volume. The contributors each state their case for one of four prominent views on eternal security: classical Calvinist, moderate Calvinist, reformed Arminian, and Wesleyan Arminian. From God To Us: How We Got Our Bible Understanding basic facts about the origin of the Bible is essential for every Christian, but it can also be confusing and difficult. Here, two well-known scholars, authors of a more technical book, A General Introduction to the Bible, explain simply and clearly these basic facts. Inspiration, the biblical canon, major manuscripts, textual criticism, early translations, and modern versions are some of the major topics discussed. Careful explanations of important points are given throughout, as the entire field of biblical introduction is covered. I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist To some, the concept of having faith in a higher power or a set of religious beliefs is nonsensical. Indeed, many view religion in general, and Christianity in particular, as unfounded and unreasonable. Norman Geisler and Frank Turek argue, however, that Christianity is not only more reasonable than all other belief systems, but is indeed more rational than unbelief itself. With conviction and clear thinking, Geisler and Turek guide readers through some of the traditional, tested arguments for the existence of a creator God. They move into an examination of the source of morality and the reliability of the New Testament accounts concerning Jesus. The final section of the book deals with a detailed investigation of the claims of Christ. This volume will be an interesting read for those skeptical about Christianity, as well as a helpful resource for Christians seeking to articulate a more sophisticated defense of their faith. If God, Why Evil?: A New Way to Think About the Question Bestselling author and apologist takes on one of the most difficult questions Christians face. How can an omnipotent, loving God preside over a world filled with evil and suffering? The author's approach is concise, systematic, and clearly communicated, just what Geisler fans have grown to expect. In addition to relying on time-tested solutions to the problem of evil, the author also presents a compelling new way to think about this puzzle. Love Your Neighbor: Thinking Wisely about Right and Wrong Love Your Neighbor is a concise introduction to Christian ethics. It begins with a look at the biblical basis for morality, defines and describes various philosophical approaches to the subject of ethics, then connects biblical morality with the idea of absolute truth in philosophy. The book then moves from its philosophical basis to a practical application of Christian ethics, considering a wide range of social, biomedical, and personal issues. It does not take a partisan or denominational approach to these issues, but squarely faces them with an open mind and open Bible. The book is based on sound biblical and philosophical reasoning and does not tell readers what to think but encourages them to think biblically and critically through these issues. Miracles and the Modern Mind: A Defense of Biblical Miracles Can modern people, schooled in science, seriously accept any notion that God created and can overrule the laws of nature? Geisler describes "signs," "wonders," and "power" and contrasts what the Bible means by a miracle with bizarre stories of saints, faith healers, and occultists. Reasons for Belief: Easy-to-Understand Answers to 10 Essential Questions Trusted Theologian Presents a Case for Christian Faith in Easy-to-Understand Language Seminary professor and bestselling author teams with a seminary-trained apologist and teacher to give readers basic, solid evidence for the Christian faith. This book is ideal for both teens and adults. Lay leaders and teachers as well as students will be equipped to explain the basics of Christianity to unbelievers and new believers. The accessible and topically organized book is easy to understand and use. Reasons for Faith: Making a Case for the Christian Faith Many Christians want to witness for their faith, but they are afraid they will not be able to answer questions that others may ask of them. First Peter 3:15 reminds believers to always be prepared to "make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you." Norman Geisler and Chad Meister realize the fear of facing questions about the Christian faith. Their book Reasons for Faith gives believers grounded biblical apologetics to help them defend their faith. By covering the importance of apologetics and then applying apologetics to popular culture and theological issues, these authors give all Christians the tools they need to stand firm in their faith and to be able to share that faith in today's society. The Apologetics of Jesus: A Caring Approach to Dealing with Doubters Apologetics books abound, but how did Jesus defend the faith? The Apologetics of Jesus presents the Savior at his convincing best. The most tentative Christian--or belligerent skeptic--will find meaty arguments for the godhead of Christ through his parables, prophecies, and more. This hard-hitting resource shows how Christ led the curious to commitment. In this original book, readers will find a new way of looking at the message and miracles of Christ and will be revived by the example of Christ's caring approach to dealing with doubters. Recommended for both laypeople and ministry leaders alike. The Atheist's Fatal Flaw: Exposing Conflicting Beliefs Most critiques of atheism focus on refuting head-on the claims of atheists. Instead, this unique book faithfully represents what atheists say they believe and stands back to watch as the natural inconsistencies in that worldview inevitably rise to the surface. Norman L. Geisler, the apologetic giant of our time, is joined by Daniel J. McCoy, highlighting two inconsistencies in particular. First they examine the atheist's assertion that God cannot exist because there is evil in the world and that if God truly existed, he would intervene. These same people then turn around and say any intervention on God's part would impose upon human autonomy, and thus would be unjust. Second, these very interventions that would be considered immoral if imposed upon the earth by God are lauded when they stem instead from some human institution or authority. Geisler and McCoy highlight this kind of "doublethink" step by step, showing readers how to identify such inconsistencies in atheistic arguments and refute them--or rather show atheists how they refute themselves. The Battle for the Resurrection Suppose you were in Jesus' tomb on that first Easter morning. What would you have seen? Jesus' dead body literally come to life and leave the tomb? No. According to this new departure from orthodoxy, you simply would have witnessed Jesus' body vanish before your eyes! In short, you would have observed the annihilation of His material body, not its resurrection. The implications of this new doctrinal departure are far reaching. This book is an attempt to sound the trumpet of concern about this current trend in evangelical doctrine. It reveals alarming information about the latest attempts to redefme historic biblical truths to suit contemporary inclinations. It is an earnest plea to alert the body of Christ to one of the most significant doctrinal deviations of our time-one that hits at the very essence of the Christian faith. The Trojan horse is within and the dynamite has been placed. The battle for the resurrection has begun! The Creator In The Courtroom, "Scopes II" Norman L. Geisler, in collaboration with A.F. Brooke II and Mark J. Keough, discusses the 1981 Arkansas creation/evolution trial. The Jesus Quest: The Danger from Within This work examines the historical and philosophical strengths and/or weaknesses of current evangelical approaches espousing some forms of post-modernistic historiography and its resultant search for the "historical Jesus." It demonstrates the marked undermining impact these efforts have had on the biblical text, especially the Gospels, as well inerrancy issues. It compares the Jesus Seminar's approach with current evangelical practices of searching in terms of their evidential apologetic impact on the trustworthiness of the Gospels. A number of well-known, contemporary evangelical scholars are involved in the so-called "Third Quest" for the historical Jesus. This book raises serious questions about such an endeavor. The Popular Handbook of Archaeology and the Bible Norman Geisler and Joseph Holden have put together an impressive array of finds that confirm the biblical peoples and events of ages past. In a user-friendly format written in popular style, they... examine the latest finds and explain their significance includes more than 150 of photographs provide an instructive chart of artifacts (along with fast facts) sample a variety of finds--papyri, inscriptions, scrolls, ossuaries, and more If readers are looking for just one book to cover this topic both concisely and comprehensively, this is it! The Roots of Evil In this book we will examine some philosophical options that have been proposed to answer the apparent contradictions between evil and a good God. We will look at such systems as Illusionism, Dualism, Finite Godism, Atheism, Open Theism, and Theism. Each will be evaluated for strengths and weaknesses. It is obvi¬ously impossible to cover every aspect of these systems in rigorous detail in this short work; therefore, those who are interested in further detail are encouraged to refer to the list of references under the Bibliography for further reading located at the end of the book. Twelve Points That Show Christianity Is True Many people have difficulty accepting these claims because they seem so narrow. After all, there are many claimants to truth in the current marketplace of ideas. Muhammad claimed to be the last of the prophets, giving the final word from God in the Qur’an. Millions hold that Buddha is the truly Enlightened One. Confucius believed he had discovered the way of wisdom. And Hindus affirm that Krishna is an incarnation of God for mankind. Add to this literally thousands of sects and cults who claim to have a direct pipeline to God and one can understand the reluctance of our generations to accept the unique claims of Christ. Moreover, a rising tide of atheists says there is no God at all. And untold numbers of agnostics don’t know if there is a God, and skeptics call on us to doubt the existence of any such being. Who is right? And how is one to know? When Critics Ask: A Popular Handbook on Bible Difficulties Learn how to defend the authority and inspiration of Scripture. Writing in a problem/solution format, the authors cover every major Bible difficulty from Genesis to Revelation. When Cultists Ask: A Popular Handbook on Cultic Misinterpretations Proceeds through the Bible book by book showing where cultists misinterpret passages. The authors then give the orthodox interpretation of the passage in question. When Skeptics Ask: A Handbook on Christian Evidences Does God exist? What if he is not all-powerful? Where did evil come from? Are miracles mythological? Why is Jesus better than other teachers? When skeptics ask questions like these, believers can turn to this helpful, user-friendly guide for thoughtful answers and clear explanations. In When Skeptics Ask, apologetics experts Geisler and Brooks explain how to defend the authority and inspiration of the Scripture. Readers will discover answers for objections to classic Christianity and learn to identify and respond to the misuse of Scripture by nonbelievers. Why I Am a Christian: Leading Thinkers Explain Why They Believe First published in 2001, Why I Am A Christian is now available in a revised trade paper edition. Its all-star cast of contributors, including Gary Habermas, William Lane Craig, Ravi Zacharias, Peter Kreeft, and J. P. Moreland, offer popular and accessible defenses of essential aspects of orthodox Christian belief. Sharing WidgetAll Comments |
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