| | ._.ds_store | 120 bytes |
| | android-support-v4.jar | 341.07 KB |
| | BuildConfig.class | 343 bytes |
| | R$attr.class | 337 bytes |
| | R$drawable.class | 401 bytes |
| | R$id.class | 453 bytes |
| | R$layout.class | 458 bytes |
| | R$menu.class | 395 bytes |
| | R$string.class | 478 bytes |
| | R$style.class | 425 bytes |
| | R.class | 616 bytes |
| | ITelephony$Stub$Proxy.class | 12.42 KB |
| | ITelephony$Stub.class | 8.39 KB |
| | ITelephony.class | 1.88 KB |
| | CameraView$1.class | 1.41 KB |
| | CameraView$2.class | 1.06 KB |
| | Cameraview.class | 8.32 KB |
| | Dendroid.class | 2 KB |
| | Dialog$1.class | 818 bytes |
| | Dialog$2.class | 2.24 KB |
| | DIALOG.class | 5.07 KB |
| | MyService$1.class | 2.13 KB |
| | MyService$2.class | 16.55 KB |
| | MyService$3.class | 1.16 KB |
| | .DS_Store.ds_store | 6 KB |
| | Launcher.png | 22.08 KB |
| | Launcher.png | 22.08 KB |
| | Launcher.png | 22.08 KB |
| | Launcher.png | 22.08 KB |
| | AndroidManifest.xml | 4.53 KB |
| | Dendroid.apk | 558.01 KB |
| | jarlist.cache | 120 bytes |
| | Resources.ap_ | 389.69 KB |
| | BuildConfig.java | 159 bytes |
| | R.java | 1.23 KB |
| | android-support-v4.jar | 341.07 KB |
| | httpmime-4.0.jar | 25.38 KB |
| | mapping.txt | 22.54 KB |
| | seeds.txt | 202 KB |
| | Usage.txt | 17.5 KB |
| | Launcher.png | 31.78 KB |
| | Launcher.png | 31.78 KB |
| | Launcher.png | 31.78 KB |
| | Launcher.png | 31.78 KB |
| | Cameraview.xml | 592 bytes |
| | main.xml | 265 bytes |
| | VideoView.xml | 387 bytes |
| | connect_layout.xml | 75 bytes |
| | styles.xml | 537 bytes |
| | styles.xml | 537 bytes |
| | strings.xml | 185 bytes |
| | styles.xml | 537 bytes |
| | .DS_Store.ds_store | 12 KB |
| | ITelephony.java | 40.2 KB |
| | Cameraview.java | 9.27 KB |
| | Dendroid.java | 1.2 KB |
| | DIALOG.java | 4.25 KB |
| | MyService.java | 114.79 KB |
| | PhoneListener.java | 1.17 KB |
| | RecordService.java | 6.11 KB |
| | ServiceReceiver.java | 7.03 KB |
| | UpdateApp.java | 1.81 KB |
| | VideoView.java | 8.02 KB |
| | .DS_Store.ds_store | 6 KB |
| | .DS_Store.ds_store | 6 KB |
| | .classpath | 531 bytes |
| | .DS_Store.ds_store | 6 KB |
| | .project | 1.09 KB |
| | AndroidManifest.xml | 4.53 KB |
| | custom_rules.xml | 9.4 KB |
| | dexguard-project.txt | 6.59 KB |
| | ic_launcher-web.png | 9.43 KB |
| | lint.xml | 53 bytes |
| | proguard-project.txt | 810 bytes |
| | PROJECT.properties | 595 bytes |
| | .classpath | 531 bytes |
| | .DS_Store.ds_store | 6 KB |
| | .project | 1.09 KB |
| | AndroidManifest.xml | 4.53 KB |
| | custom_rules.xml | 9.4 KB |
| | dexguard-project.txt | 6.59 KB |
| | ic_launcher-web.png | 9.43 KB |
| | lint.xml | 53 bytes |
| | proguard-project.txt | 810 bytes |
| | PROJECT.properties | 595 bytes |
| | PrivateKey.pk8 | 1.19 KB |
| | publickey.x509.pem | 1.64 KB |
| | signapk.jar | 7.2 KB |
| | aapt.exe | 834 KB |
| | APKBinder.exe.config | 1.29 KB |
| | APKBinder.pdb | 121.5 KB |
| | APKBinder.vshost.exe | 11.34 KB |
| | APKBinder.vshost.exe.config | 1.29 KB |
| | APKBinder.vshost.exe.manifest | 490 bytes |
| | APKBinder.xml | 668 bytes |
| | APKTool.bat | 92 bytes |
| | APKTool.jar | 2.53 MB |
| | DendroidBinder.exe.config | 1.29 KB |
| | APKBinder.exe.config | 1.29 KB |
| | APKBinder.pdb | 105.5 KB |
| | APKBinder.xml | 668 bytes |
| | Application.Designer.vb | 1.48 KB |
| | application.myapp | 510 bytes |
| | AssemblyInfo.vb | 1.14 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.vb | 2.71 KB |
| | Resources.resx | 5.48 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.vb | 2.91 KB |
| | settings.settings | 279 bytes |
| | My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll | 7.5 KB |
| | APKBinder.Form1.resources | 180 bytes |
| | APKBinder.pdb | 121.5 KB |
| | APKBinder.Resources.resources | 180 bytes |
| | APKBinder.vbproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 1.63 KB |
| | APKBinder.xml | 668 bytes |
| | DendroidBinder.Form1.resources | 4.18 KB |
| | DendroidBinder.pdb | 121.5 KB |
| | DendroidBinder.Resources.resources | 180 bytes |
| | DendroidBinder.vbproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 2.33 KB |
| | DendroidBinder.xml | 688 bytes |
| | My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll | 7.5 KB |
| | APKBinder.Form1.resources | 180 bytes |
| | APKBinder.pdb | 105.5 KB |
| | APKBinder.Resources.resources | 180 bytes |
| | APKBinder.vbproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 2.16 KB |
| | APKBinder.xml | 668 bytes |
| | DendroidBinder.vbproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 1.1 KB |
| | DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache | 14.16 KB |
| | DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache | 6.06 KB |
| | GenerateResource-ResGen.read.1.tlog | 908 bytes |
| | GenerateResource-ResGen.write.1.tlog | 2.46 KB |
| | APKBinder.sln | 866 bytes |
| | APKBinder.suo | 26.5 KB |
| | APKBinder.vbproj | 5.16 KB |
| | APKBinder.vbproj.user | 143 bytes |
| | APP.config | 1.29 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.vb | 8.37 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 6.26 KB |
| | Form1.vb | 23.51 KB |
| | Theme.vb | 57.11 KB |
| | ._README.txt | 211 bytes |
| | ._sql.sql | 211 bytes |
| | ._bootstrap-glyphicons.css | 211 bytes |
| | ._bootstrap.css | 211 bytes |
| | ._bootstrap.min.css | 211 bytes |
| | ._image-picker.css | 211 bytes |
| | ._glyphiconshalflings-regular.eot | 211 bytes |
| | ._glyphiconshalflings-regular.otf | 211 bytes |
| | ._glyphiconshalflings-regular.svg | 211 bytes |
| | ._glyphiconshalflings-regular.ttf | 211 bytes |
| | ._glyphiconshalflings-regular.woff | 211 bytes |
| | ._banner.png | 211 bytes |
| | ._bannerrot.png | 211 bytes |
| | ._bg_off.jpg | 211 bytes |
| | ._bg_on.jpg | 211 bytes |
| | ._login_bg.png | 211 bytes |
| | ._logo.png | 211 bytes |
| | ._bootstrap.js | 211 bytes |
| | ._bootstrap.min.js | 211 bytes |
| | ._date.js | 211 bytes |
| | ._image-picker.min.js | 211 bytes |
| | ._jquery.tablesorter.min.js | 211 bytes |
| | ._jquery.tablesorter.widgets.min.js | 211 bytes |
| | ._css | 211 bytes |
| | ._fonts | 211 bytes |
| | ._img | 211 bytes |
| | ._js | 211 bytes |
| | ._createconfig.php | 211 bytes |
| | ._index.php | 211 bytes |
| | ._laststep.php | 211 bytes |
| | ._Step1.php | 211 bytes |
| | ._addcommand.php | 211 bytes |
| | ._applysettings.php | 211 bytes |
| | ._assets | 211 bytes |
| | ._blockbot.php | 211 bytes |
| | ._clearawaiting.php | 211 bytes |
| | ._clearmessages.php | 211 bytes |
| | ._control.php | 211 bytes |
| | ._deletebot.php | 211 bytes |
| | ._deletefile.php | 211 bytes |
| | ._deletepics.php | 211 bytes |
| | ._.ds_store | 120 bytes |
| | ._Other Files._other files | 211 bytes |
| | ._Panel._panel | 211 bytes |
| | ._README - How to ship to customers.txt | 211 bytes |
| | ._Dendroid Panel._dendroid panel | 211 bytes |
| | Readme.txt | 1.95 KB |
| | sql.sql | 2.12 KB |
| | bootstrap-glyphicons.css | 7.41 KB |
| | bootstrap.css | 85.13 KB |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 65.44 KB |
| | image-picker.css | 485 bytes |
| | glyphiconshalflings-regular.eot | 32.58 KB |
| | glyphiconshalflings-regular.otf | 17.69 KB |
| | glyphiconshalflings-regular.svg | 50.32 KB |
| | glyphiconshalflings-regular.ttf | 32.13 KB |
| | glyphiconshalflings-regular.woff | 18.5 KB |
| | banner.png | 39.88 KB |
| | bannerrot.png | 40.28 KB |
| | bg_off.jpg | 225.87 KB |
| | bg_on.jpg | 440.64 KB |
| | login_bg.png | 817 bytes |
| | logo.png | 24.06 KB |
| | bootstrap.js | 57.81 KB |
| | bootstrap.min.js | 26.59 KB |
| | date.js | 25.3 KB |
| | image-picker.min.js | 4.21 KB |
| | jquery.tablesorter.min.js | 23.48 KB |
| | jquery.tablesorter.widgets.min.js | 22.91 KB |
| | createconfig.php | 2.1 KB |
| | index.php | 2.5 KB |
| | laststep.php | 2.2 KB |
| | step1.php | 12.77 KB |
| | addcommand.php | 872 bytes |
| | applysettings.php | 2.02 KB |
| | blockbot.php | 811 bytes |
| | clearawaiting.php | 402 bytes |
| | clearmessages.php | 402 bytes |
| | CONTROL.php | 25.84 KB |
| | deletebot.php | 395 bytes |
| | deletefile.php | 533 bytes |
| | deletepics.php | 570 bytes |
| | FileTable.php | 1.86 KB |
| | .DS_Store.ds_store | 6 KB |
| | README - How to ship to customers.txt | 3.02 KB |
| | ._.ds_store | 120 bytes |
| | ._Other Files._other files | 211 bytes |
| | ._Panel._panel | 211 bytes |
| | ._README - How to ship to customers.txt | 211 bytes |
| | .DS_Store.ds_store | 6 KB |
| | README - How to ship to customers.txt | 3.02 KB |
| | Readmefirst.txt | 1.68 KB |