DeDRM_calibre_pluginseeders: 5
leechers: 0
DeDRM_calibre_plugin (Size: 335.68 KB)
this is a calibre plugin that will remove drm from ebooks. It should work for kindle but I haven't tried it. I do know that it will work for Adobe drm.
Instructions: 1. DO NOT UNPACK 2. open calibre 3. click on Preferences 4. goto Advanced and click on Plugins 5. on bottom right corner is a button labeled 'load plugin from file" - click on it 6. navigate to the DeDrm_plugin rar(zip) file and select it 7. plugin should be highlighted in plugin list. if not repeat steps 1-6 8. You are now ready to strip the drm from your ebooks. Simply add books to caliber library and you now have a drm-free copy of your epub file note: books currently added to calibre's library will have to be added again to remove drm. Also I've noticed that the plugin has to be added EVERY time you want to strip another book as it seems to delete itself when you close Calibre Sharing Widget |
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