Das Schloss - Haneke [DivX - Deu mp3 Sub Ita Eng Fra Prt]

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Added on May 30, 2010 by zabuza89in Movies
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Das Schloss - Haneke [DivX - Deu mp3 Sub Ita Eng Fra Prt] (Size: 676.25 MB)
 Das Schloss - Haneke.avi675.8 MB
 Das Schloss.ENG.srt111.05 KB
 Das Schloss.FRA.srt113.5 KB
 Das Schloss.ITA.srt120.4 KB
 Das Schloss.PRT-BRA.srt116.73 KB



(The Castle)

by Michael Haneke





.: Scheda del Film :.

Titolo originale: Das Schloß


Anno: 1997

Genere: Drammatico

Regia: Michael Haneke

Cast: Ulrich Mühe, Susanne Lothar, Frank Giering, Felix Eitner, Nikolaus Paryla, André Eisermann

Durata: 123 min.

.: Trama/Plot :.

[ITA] K. è un agrimensore venuto da luoghi lontani, che ha ricevuto un incarico lavorativo dal Conte del Castello del paese. Fra mille (e nessun) impedimenti, K. tenterà invano di iniziare il proprio lavoro senza successo.

[ENG] A land surveyor,K.,is invited to the Castle to do some work for the Count,but when he arrives at the Village,he finds that nobody is expecting him.K.'s attempts to get into the Castle are as unsuccessful as his attempt to settle into the local village.He is greeted by a compact reluctance from the villagers,who with a systematic inefficiency prevent him from any prospects of even approaching the castle.The harder the stubborn K.,tries,the farther he moves from his goals.The impenetrable,seemingly haphazard but strangulating bureaucracy of the castle hinders the clarification of his social and existential situation.K. remains what he was on the day of his arrival:a stranger who is barely tolerated...Haneke's film version of Kafka's famous unfinished novel is an unusually faithful and highly successful literary adaptation.Kafka is,with his absurd,pessimistic yet still very realistic idea of the world,a sort of soulmate of Haneke's.

.: Scheda tecnica del filmato :.

[ Info sul file ]

Nome: Das Schloss - Haneke.avi

Data: 27/03/2010 19:54:15

Dimensione: 708,628,792 bytes (675.801 MB)

[ Info generiche ]

Durata: 02:04:48 (7488.2 s)

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Audio streams: 1

[ Dati rilevanti ]

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[ Traccia video ]

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[ Traccia audio ]

Audio tag: 0x55 (MP3)

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Chunks: 312008

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Durata: 02:04:48 (7488.192 s)

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[ Info sulla codifica MPEG4 ]

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[ Analisi DRF ]

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P-VOPs DRF medio: 3.661901

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P-VOPs DRF max: 7

[ Profile compliancy ]

Profilo da testare: MTK PAL 6000

Risoluzione: Ok

Framerate: Ok

Min buffer fill: 81%

Rapporto generato da Visit this link: http://fsinapsi.altervista.org (18-11-2007) in data 21 mag 2010, h 22:22:41

Visit http://www.tntvillage.scambioetico.org/

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Das Schloss - Haneke [DivX - Deu mp3 Sub Ita Eng Fra Prt]
