Counter-Strike 2D (Size: 17.19 MB)
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| | | 25.99 KB |
| | | 23.69 KB |
| | | 22.02 KB |
| | | 17.69 KB |
| | | 16.68 KB |
| | | 15.91 KB |
| | | 13.92 KB |
| | | 13.54 KB |
| | | 13.35 KB |
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| | hos3.wav | 19.82 KB |
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| | vortigaunt_die.wav | 16.58 KB |
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| | version.cfg | 11 bytes |
| | dls.cache | 0 bytes |
| | Stats.dat | 145 bytes |
| | userstats.dat | 17 bytes |
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| | controls.cfg | 1.05 KB |
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| | SERVER.cfg | 771 bytes |
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| | config.cfg | 697 bytes |
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| | maptypes.lst | 303 bytes |
Counter-Strike 2D, commonly abbreviated to CS2D, is a 2D top-down shooter developed by Unreal Software. It's a remake of Counter-Strike and it's a one man project made by Peter Schauβ better known by his Internet nickname DC (DarkCorner). Unreal Software, the developer of popular games Stranded and Stranded II, began developing Counter-Strike 2D in 2002. It started working on early 2004 with the Alpha version but became more popular in 2004's Christmas Eve when Beta was released. People from all over the globe started playing and it became a very popular top-down shooter game. In August 2008, Counter-Strike 2D Max was released bringing a lot more features and has grown till what it is today: a rather small gaming community with around 1400 players worldwide. It can be pretty addicting when you play it for long. The initial idea of Counter-Strike 2D was to create a game which is pretty much like the original Counter-Strike game by Valve Software but which is 2D in a top-down perspective. This goal has been reached by implementing all original Counter-Strike weapons with their original sounds, by adding the well known hostage rescue (CS) and bomb defuse (DE) scenarios (+the VIP (AS) mode which has been removed from the original Counter-Strike already) and finally by creating 2D versions of the most popular Counter-Strike maps. It has since served time on both the German and Polish international professional gaming league ESL.
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