Version 2.0 (Released 21 August 2014) of Calibre licensed under the GNU GPL v.3 for 64-bit versions of Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8.
Calibre is a free and open source e-book library management application developed by users of e-books for users of e-books.
Official site:
Changes in 2.0
New Features
- For a summary of the major changes in calibre between 1.0 and 2.0, see
- Add support for MTP devices (Android phones/tablets) on OS X
- Update the version of Qt used by calibre to Qt 5. This fixes various longstanding bugs in calibre that were caused by bugs in Qt 4.
- Edit Book: Make the edit saved search/add saved search popup window non-modal.
- Tag Browser: Show format specific icons for the format entries in the Tag Browser
- Library check: Add buttons to conveniently mark all fixable/deletable items.
Bug Fixes
- E-book viewer: Reloading the book now re-opens it at the current position even if the option to remember position when quitting is turned off
- E-book viewer: Remove extra spacing between document and scrollbars. This is particularly noticeable when using a dark theme for the viewer.
- PDF Output: Fix balanced parentheses in the text of items in the Table of Contents not being rendered properly by some PDF viewers.
- Edit book: Abort terminal save on save error instead of quitting editor
- Get Books: Update the Project Gutenberg plugin for website changes
- Plugin loading: When multiple plugin classes are present in the namespace, use the one with the qualified name that has the least components
- Edit Book: Prevent long saved searches from making the saved search dialog too wide
- Comic Input: Sort pages placed in sub-folders correctly (as long as all pages have the same number of parent folders).
- Conversion: Fix the word @page in a comment inside a stylesheet with no following {} causing the rest of the stylesheet to be ignored.
- Fix comparing AZW3 to ORIGINAL_AZW3 from the book details panel not working
New news sources
- General Knowledge Today by Kanika G
- BBC Arabic by logophile777
Improved news sources
- TIME Magazine
- The Atlantic
- Down to Earth
- Heraldo de Aragon
- Radikal (Turkey)
- Wired Daily Edition
- Orange County Register