Version 1.48 (Release 8 August 2014) of Calibre licensed under the GNU GPL v.3 for Mac OS X (x86).
Calibre is a free and open source e-book library management application developed by users of e-books for users of e-books.
Official site:
Changes in 1.48
New Features
- E-book viewer: Make the list of bookmarks a dockable window that can be kept open while reading the book
- E-book viewer: Make the Table of Contents panel a dockable window so it can be moved around and even made into a separate floating window
- E-book viewer: Allow reloading the current book by pressing F5 or Ctrl+R
- Edit Book: Allow changing the case of selected text by right clicking and choosing the appropriate change case action.
- Driver for Kiano Booky Light.
- calibredb list: Have --for-machine dump the output in JSON instead of using ASCII separators, as most scripting languages have JSON parsers builtin
- zsh completion: Complete filenames inside epub files for ebook-edit
- ebook-edit: Allow specifying multiple internal files to open and get rid of the no longer needed --edit-file option
Bug Fixes
- Fix over-aggressive caching causing multiple cover grid emblem rules to not work.
- Edit Book: Fix position syncing and Live CSS not working if the opening tag is split over multiple lines
- EPUB metadata: When updating the language in an EPUB file, preserve the country code, if the new language is the same as the original language in the EPUB file.
- Edit Book: Fix choosing default dictionary based on language tag in the OPF ignoring the country code
- Edit Book: Fix a regression that caused clicking on links in the preview panel that lead to destinations in the same HTML file popping up a spurious error message.
- Fix regression that caused tags to not be sorted when displayed in the book details panel.
- Edit Book: More robust implementation of current tag detection for Live CSS. Now uses the same logic as matching tag highlighting.
- Edit Book: When highlighting the tag the cursor is currently inside, if the cursor is inside the definition of an opening tag, highlight that tag rather than its parent.
- Edit Book: Check Book: Do not run the rest of the checks if parsing errors are found, to prevent the checkers from raising unhandled errors
Improved news sources