| | 2010 - Professional C# 4 and .NET 4 (Wrox).pdf | 42.05 MB |
| | 2011 - C# 2010 for Programmers 4e (Pearson).pdf | 34.61 MB |
| | 2010 - Programming in C# With Visual Studio 2010 Vol I (Micr.pdf | 29.66 MB |
| | 2010 - Beginning Visual C# 2010 (Wrox).pdf | 28.68 MB |
| | 2010 - CLR via C# 3e (Microsoft).pdf | 24.78 MB |
| | 2010 - Head First C# 2e (O'Reilly).pdf | 22.69 MB |
| | 2010 - Programming in C# With Visual Studio 2010 Vol II (Mic.pdf | 20.69 MB |
| | 2010 - Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform 5e (Apress).pdf | 17.9 MB |
| | 2010 - Visual C# 2010 Step by Step (Microsoft).pdf | 16.18 MB |
| | 2010 - Introducing .NET 4.0 with Visual Studio 2010 (Apress).pdf | 15.05 MB |
| | Professional ADO.NET 2 Programming with SQL Server 2005 Orac.pdf | 10.61 MB |
| | ADO.NET Programming.chm | 5.91 MB |
| | Database connection in C# written by Bible.pdf | 3.96 MB |
| | ADO.NET in a Nutshell.chm | 1.33 MB |
| | ADO.NET Cookbook.chm | 882.1 KB |
| | ADO BOOK.doc | 355 KB |
| | head_first_c#_second_edition.pdf | 28.79 MB |
| | Wrox.Beginning.Visual.C.Sharp.2010.Apr.2010.pdf | 24.19 MB |
| | Beginning Object-Oriented Programming With C#.pdf | 17.94 MB |
| | Wrox Beginning Microsoft Visual C Sharp 2008 May 2008.pdf | 17.4 MB |
| | C-Sharp-How-to-Program.pdf | 13.68 MB |
| | head_first_programming.pdf | 13.45 MB |
| | Pro LINQ Language Integrated Query in C Sharp 2008.pdf | 10.92 MB |
| | c_sharp_dot_net_book.pdf | 9.26 MB |
| | Beginning C Sharp 2008 From Novice to Professional Nov 2007.pdf | 8.76 MB |
| | Beginning C# Game Programming.pdf | 8.47 MB |
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| | Form1.Designer.cs | 12.87 KB |
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| | Form1.resx | 9.65 KB |
| | Manage_StudentForm.Designer.cs | 9.5 KB |
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| | dona.suo | 28 KB |
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| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.65 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.25 KB |
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| | FuturisticDataSet.Designer.cs.dll | 136 KB |
| | Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll | 5 KB |
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| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.8 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.65 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.25 KB |
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| | FORM7.resx | 53.34 KB |
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| | Form21.resx | 137.01 KB |
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| | Form2.resx | 128.24 KB |
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| | FuturisticDataSet.xsd | 117.07 KB |
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| | Help_Line.Form1.resources | 62.78 KB |
| | Help_Line.Form5.resources | 20.99 KB |
| | Help_Line.Form8.resources | 20.99 KB |
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| | Help_Line.Form10.resources | 8.08 KB |
| | Help_Line.Form6.resources | 5.48 KB |
| | Resources.resx | 5.48 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.78 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.4 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.07 KB |
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| | FORM7.resx | 349.1 KB |
| | Form4.resx | 187.93 KB |
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| | Form8.Designer.cs | 30.97 KB |
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| | Form5.Designer.cs | 28.07 KB |
| | Form3.Designer.cs | 27.99 KB |
| | Form7.Designer.cs | 21.63 KB |
| | Help Line.suo | 30.5 KB |
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| | Help Line.exe | 576.5 KB |
| | Help Line.pdb | 165.5 KB |
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| | Help_Line.Form3.resources | 10.68 KB |
| | Help_Line.Form10.resources | 8.08 KB |
| | Help Line.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 7.78 KB |
| | Resources.resx | 5.48 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.78 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.4 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.07 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | FORM7.resx | 349.1 KB |
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| | FORM5.resx | 37.67 KB |
| | Form8.resx | 37.14 KB |
| | Form8.Designer.cs | 30.97 KB |
| | Form5.Designer.cs | 28.07 KB |
| | Form10.Designer.cs | 27.69 KB |
| | Form3.Designer.cs | 27.68 KB |
| | Form7.Designer.cs | 21.63 KB |
| | FORM7.resx | 349.1 KB |
| | Form4.resx | 187.93 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 99.36 KB |
| | Help Line.suo | 38.5 KB |
| | FORM5.resx | 37.67 KB |
| | Form8.resx | 37.14 KB |
| | Form8.Designer.cs | 30.97 KB |
| | Form5.Designer.cs | 28.07 KB |
| | Form10.Designer.cs | 27.69 KB |
| | Form3.Designer.cs | 27.68 KB |
| | Help Line.exe | 554 KB |
| | Help Line.pdb | 143.5 KB |
| | Help Line.vshost.exe | 13.99 KB |
| | Help Line.vshost.exe.manifest | 490 bytes |
| | Help Line.exe | 554 KB |
| | Help_Line.Form7.resources | 229.47 KB |
| | Help Line.pdb | 143.5 KB |
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| | Help_Line.Form1.resources | 62.78 KB |
| | Help_Line.Form8.resources | 20.99 KB |
| | Help_Line.Form5.resources | 20.99 KB |
| | Help_Line.Form3.resources | 8.08 KB |
| | Help_Line.Form2.resources | 5.48 KB |
| | Help_Line.Form6.resources | 5.48 KB |
| | Resources.resx | 5.48 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.78 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.4 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.07 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | FORM7.resx | 349.1 KB |
| | Form4.resx | 187.93 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 99.36 KB |
| | FORM5.resx | 37.67 KB |
| | Form8.resx | 37.14 KB |
| | Form8.Designer.cs | 30.97 KB |
| | Form5.Designer.cs | 28.07 KB |
| | Form7.Designer.cs | 21.63 KB |
| | Form4.Designer.cs | 20.77 KB |
| | Form3.Designer.cs | 19.78 KB |
| | Help Line.suo | 16 KB |
| | Help Line.sln | 917 bytes |
| | FORM7.resx | 349.1 KB |
| | FORM7.resx | 349.1 KB |
| | FORM7.resx | 349.1 KB |
| | Form4.resx | 187.93 KB |
| | Form4.resx | 187.93 KB |
| | Form4.resx | 187.93 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 99.36 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 99.36 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 99.36 KB |
| | Help Line.suo | 38.5 KB |
| | Hospital management.ppt | 346 KB |
| | Presentation.ppsx | 127.86 KB |
| | Presentation.pptx | 123.36 KB |
| | Hospital management.pdb | 271.5 KB |
| | Hospital management.exe | 152 KB |
| | Hospital Management.vshost.exe | 5.5 KB |
| | Hospital Management.vshost.exe.config | 717 bytes |
| | Hospital Management.exe.config | 717 bytes |
| | Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll | 5 KB |
| | Hospital management.pdb | 271.5 KB |
| | Hospital management.exe | 152 KB |
| | Hospital_Management.Form6.resources | 5.86 KB |
| | Hospital_Management.Form5.resources | 180 bytes |
| | Hospital_Management.Form4.resources | 180 bytes |
| | Hospital_Management.Form3.resources | 180 bytes |
| | Hospital_Management.Form2.resources | 180 bytes |
| | Hospital_Management.Form1.resources | 180 bytes |
| | Hospital Management.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 9.24 KB |
| | Hospital Management.csproj.FileList.txt | 629 bytes |
| | Hospital management.vpj | 6 KB |
| | Resources.resx | 5.48 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.8 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 2.34 KB |
| | settings.settings | 1.75 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.26 KB |
| | Life_Line_HospitalDataSet.Designer.cs | 216.47 KB |
| | Life_Line_HospitalDataSet.xsd | 60.78 KB |
| | Hospital management.suo | 56 KB |
| | Form3.Designer.cs | 34.47 KB |
| | Form4.Designer.cs | 30.73 KB |
| | Form2.Designer.cs | 26.24 KB |
| | Form5.Designer.cs | 24.12 KB |
| | FORM5.cs | 19.79 KB |
| | Form4.cs | 16.86 KB |
| | FORM6.resx | 13.93 KB |
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| | Documentation.docx | 183.39 KB |
| | Documentation 1.docx | 169.42 KB |
| | Timings Table Data.sql | 5.95 KB |
| | Doctor Table Data.sql | 5.18 KB |
| | Create Database Tables.sql | 1.68 KB |
| | Create Database.sql | 70 bytes |
| | Login Details.txt | 45 bytes |
| | Maumitaguha.exe | 282.5 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.pdb | 175.5 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.vshost.exe | 13.99 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.vshost.exe.manifest | 490 bytes |
| | Maumitaguha.vshost.exe.config | 406 bytes |
| | Maumitaguha.exe.config | 406 bytes |
| | MGDataSet.Designer.cs.dll | 36 KB |
| | Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll | 5 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.exe | 282.5 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.pdb | 175.5 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.Form4.resources | 121.12 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.Form1.resources | 62.78 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.Form5.resources | 18.39 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 5.92 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.Form6.resources | 5.48 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.csproj.GenerateResource.cache | 1.17 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.Properties.Resources.resources | 180 bytes |
| | Maumitaguha.Form7.resources | 180 bytes |
| | Maumitaguha.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 908 bytes |
| | Resources.resx | 5.22 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.78 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.63 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.29 KB |
| | settings.settings | 992 bytes |
| | Form4.resx | 187.93 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 99.52 KB |
| | MGDataSet.Designer.cs | 55.56 KB |
| | FORM5.resx | 33.77 KB |
| | Form5.Designer.cs | 29.51 KB |
| | Form4.Designer.cs | 20.54 KB |
| | Form3.Designer.cs | 19.39 KB |
| | Form2.Designer.cs | 18.3 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 17.28 KB |
| | FORM6.resx | 13.38 KB |
| | Resources.resx | 5.22 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.78 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.29 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.07 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | Form4.resx | 188.83 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 99.36 KB |
| | FORM5.resx | 33.88 KB |
| | Form5.Designer.cs | 26.89 KB |
| | Form4.Designer.cs | 20.54 KB |
| | Form3.Designer.cs | 19.37 KB |
| | Form2.Designer.cs | 18.04 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 17.28 KB |
| | Form4.cs | 8.34 KB |
| | Form2.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.suo | 17.5 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.sln | 922 bytes |
| | UpgradeReport.xslt | 12.28 KB |
| | UpgradeReport.css | 3.27 KB |
| | UpgradeReport_Plus.gif | 71 bytes |
| | UpgradeReport_Minus.gif | 69 bytes |
| | Maumitaguha.suo | 40.5 KB |
| | UpgradeLog.xml | 5.98 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.sln | 923 bytes |
| | Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll | 4.5 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.exe | 254.5 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.Form4.resources | 121.12 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.pdb | 81.5 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.Form1.resources | 62.78 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.Form5.resources | 18.39 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 1.28 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.csproj.GenerateResource.cache | 774 bytes |
| | Maumitaguha.Properties.Resources.resources | 180 bytes |
| | Maumitaguha.Form3.resources | 180 bytes |
| | Maumitaguha.Form2.resources | 180 bytes |
| | Maumitaguha.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 908 bytes |
| | Maumitaguha.exe | 254.5 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.pdb | 81.5 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.vshost.exe | 13.99 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.vshost.exe.manifest | 490 bytes |
| | Resources.resx | 5.22 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.78 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.29 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.07 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | Form4.resx | 188.83 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 99.36 KB |
| | FORM5.resx | 33.88 KB |
| | Form5.Designer.cs | 26.89 KB |
| | Form4.Designer.cs | 20.54 KB |
| | Form3.Designer.cs | 19.37 KB |
| | Form2.Designer.cs | 18.04 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 17.28 KB |
| | Form4.cs | 8.34 KB |
| | Form2.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Resources.resx | 5.22 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.78 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.29 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.07 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | Form4.resx | 188.83 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 99.36 KB |
| | FORM5.resx | 33.88 KB |
| | Form5.Designer.cs | 26.89 KB |
| | Form4.Designer.cs | 20.54 KB |
| | Form3.Designer.cs | 19.37 KB |
| | Form2.Designer.cs | 18.04 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 17.28 KB |
| | Form4.cs | 8.34 KB |
| | Form3.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.suo | 17.5 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.sln | 922 bytes |
| | UpgradeReport.xslt | 12.28 KB |
| | UpgradeReport.css | 3.27 KB |
| | UpgradeReport_Plus.gif | 71 bytes |
| | UpgradeReport_Minus.gif | 69 bytes |
| | Maumitaguha.exe | 236 KB |
| | Form4.resx | 188.83 KB |
| | Form4.resx | 188.83 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 99.36 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 99.36 KB |
| | FORM5.resx | 33.88 KB |
| | FORM5.resx | 33.88 KB |
| | Maumitaguha.suo | 28 KB |
| | Form5.Designer.cs | 26.89 KB |
| | Form5.Designer.cs | 26.89 KB |
| | Pat2.pdb | 63.5 KB |
| | Pat2.exe | 24 KB |
| | pat2.vshost.exe | 13.99 KB |
| | pat2.vshost.exe.manifest | 490 bytes |
| | Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll | 4.5 KB |
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| | Pat2.exe | 24 KB |
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| | pat2.Form3.resources | 180 bytes |
| | pat2.Form2.resources | 180 bytes |
| | pat2.Form1.resources | 180 bytes |
| | pat2.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 607 bytes |
| | Resources.resx | 5.22 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.77 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.27 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.06 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | Form3.Designer.cs | 17.01 KB |
| | Form2.Designer.cs | 16.7 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 5.87 KB |
| | Form4.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Form3.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Form2.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Pat2.csproj | 4.34 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 4.24 KB |
| | Form4.Designer.cs | 3.82 KB |
| | Form2.cs | 2.38 KB |
| | Resources.resx | 5.22 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.77 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.27 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.06 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | Form3.Designer.cs | 17.01 KB |
| | Form2.Designer.cs | 16.7 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 5.87 KB |
| | Form3.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Form4.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Form2.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 4.24 KB |
| | Pat2.csproj | 4.13 KB |
| | Form4.Designer.cs | 3.82 KB |
| | Form2.cs | 2.38 KB |
| | Pat2.suo | 15.5 KB |
| | Pat2.sln | 901 bytes |
| | UpgradeReport.xslt | 12.28 KB |
| | UpgradeReport.css | 3.27 KB |
| | UpgradeReport_Plus.gif | 71 bytes |
| | UpgradeReport_Minus.gif | 69 bytes |
| | Pat2.suo | 22.5 KB |
| | Form3.Designer.cs | 17.01 KB |
| | Form3.Designer.cs | 17.01 KB |
| | Form2.Designer.cs | 16.7 KB |
| | Form2.Designer.cs | 16.7 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 5.87 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 5.87 KB |
| | Form3.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Form4.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Form2.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | callcenter.pdb | 97.5 KB |
| | callcenter.exe | 27.5 KB |
| | CallCenter.vshost.exe | 13.99 KB |
| | CallCenter.vshost.suo | 5.5 KB |
| | CallCenter.vshost.exe.manifest | 490 bytes |
| | CallCenter.vshost.sln | 203 bytes |
| | Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll | 4.5 KB |
| | callcenter.pdb | 97.5 KB |
| | callcenter.exe | 27.5 KB |
| | CallCenter.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 2.16 KB |
| | CallCenter.csproj.GenerateResource.cache | 781 bytes |
| | CallCenter.Training.resources | 180 bytes |
| | CallCenter.CallRegister.resources | 180 bytes |
| | CallCenter.CallRegister_Details.resources | 180 bytes |
| | CallCenter.Employee.resources | 180 bytes |
| | CallCenter.Employee_Details.resources | 180 bytes |
| | CallCenter.Form1.resources | 180 bytes |
| | CallCenter.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 5.99 KB |
| | CallCenter.csproj.FileList.txt | 518 bytes |
| | Resources.resx | 5.48 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.78 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.26 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.07 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | InboundCall_Details.Designer.cs | 10.21 KB |
| | Employee_Details.Designer.cs | 9.34 KB |
| | CallRegister_Details.Designer.cs | 7.27 KB |
| | callcenter.csproj | 6.41 KB |
| | Training_Details.Designer.cs | 6.22 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | InboundCall_Details.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | CallRegister_Details.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Employee_Details.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Training.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Resources.resx | 5.48 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.78 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.26 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.07 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | InboundCall_Details.Designer.cs | 10.21 KB |
| | Employee_Details.Designer.cs | 9.34 KB |
| | CallRegister_Details.Designer.cs | 7.27 KB |
| | callcenter.csproj | 6.41 KB |
| | Training_Details.Designer.cs | 6.22 KB |
| | InboundCall_Details.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | InboundCall_Login.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Employee_Details.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Training_Details.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Training.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | callcenter.suo | 32.5 KB |
| | callcenter.sln | 919 bytes |
| | UpgradeReport.xslt | 12.28 KB |
| | UpgradeReport.css | 3.27 KB |
| | UpgradeReport_Plus.gif | 71 bytes |
| | UpgradeReport_Minus.gif | 69 bytes |
| | callcenter.suo | 43 KB |
| | UpgradeLog.xml | 12.88 KB |
| | InboundCall_Details.Designer.cs | 10.21 KB |
| | InboundCall_Details.Designer.cs | 10.21 KB |
| | Employee_Details.Designer.cs | 9.34 KB |
| | Employee_Details.Designer.cs | 9.34 KB |
| | CallRegister_Details.Designer.cs | 7.27 KB |
| | CallRegister_Details.Designer.cs | 7.27 KB |
| | callcenter.csproj | 6.41 KB |
| | callcenter.csproj | 6.41 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4.exe | 68 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4.pdb | 43.5 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4.Form2.resources | 21.91 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4.Form1.resources | 17.77 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4.csproj.GenerateResource.cache | 1016 bytes |
| | WindowsApplication4.Properties.Resources.resources | 180 bytes |
| | WindowsApplication4.Form4.resources | 180 bytes |
| | WindowsApplication4.Form3.resources | 180 bytes |
| | WindowsApplication4.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 1.22 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4.exe | 68 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4.pdb | 43.5 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4.vshost.exe | 5.5 KB |
| | Resources.resx | 5.48 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.8 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.26 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.08 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | Form2.resx | 38.12 KB |
| | FORM6.resx | 34.13 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 31.79 KB |
| | FORM5.resx | 25.63 KB |
| | Form8.Designer.cs | 13.39 KB |
| | Form7.Designer.cs | 11.92 KB |
| | Form5.Designer.cs | 9.4 KB |
| | Form6.Designer.cs | 7.52 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 7.5 KB |
| | Form2.Designer.cs | 6.96 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4.suo | 24 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4.sln | 946 bytes |
| | Zen Player.exe.deploy | 11.91 MB |
| | Interop.WMPLib.dll.deploy | 324 KB |
| | 2 (159).ico.deploy | 187.75 KB |
| | AxInterop.WMPLib.dll.deploy | 60 KB |
| | ColorSlider.dll.deploy | 32 KB |
| | Zen Player.exe.manifest | 9.55 KB |
| | Zen Player.exe.config.deploy | 1.7 KB |
| | setup.exe | 456.93 KB |
| | Zen Player.application | 5.18 KB |
| | Zen Player.exe | 11.91 MB |
| | Interop.WMPLib.dll | 324 KB |
| | Zen Player.pdb | 113.5 KB |
| | AxInterop.WMPLib.dll | 60 KB |
| | Zen Player.vshost.exe | 13.99 KB |
| | Zen Player.exe.manifest | 5.98 KB |
| | Zen Player.exe.config | 1.7 KB |
| | Zen Player.vshost.exe.config | 1.7 KB |
| | Zen Player.vshost.application | 1.54 KB |
| | Zen Player.application | 1.54 KB |
| | Zen Player.exe | 11.91 MB |
| | Zen_Player.Properties.Resources.resources | 11.49 MB |
| | Interop.WMPLib.dll | 324 KB |
| | Zen_Player.Form1.resources | 188.83 KB |
| | Zen Player.pdb | 113.5 KB |
| | AxInterop.WMPLib.dll | 60 KB |
| | Zen Player.exe.manifest | 5.98 KB |
| | Zen Player.csproj.GenerateResource.cache | 4.74 KB |
| | Zen Player.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 4.04 KB |
| | Zen Player.application | 1.54 KB |
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| | 14-moving-sections-3d-animated-gif-images.gif | 474.73 KB |
| | 3-sparkling-planet-3d-animated-gif-images.gif | 460.78 KB |
| | 12-animated-circle-3d-animated-gif-images.gif | 454.65 KB |
| | Resources.resx | 25.7 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 23.36 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 2.76 KB |
| | APP.manifest | 1.46 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.4 KB |
| | settings.settings | 838 bytes |
| | Form1.resx | 289.59 KB |
| | 2 (159).ico | 187.75 KB |
| | ColorSlider.cs | 42.93 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 35.66 KB |
| | ColorSlider.dll | 32 KB |
| | Form1.cs | 15.88 KB |
| | Zen Player.csproj | 13.64 KB |
| | ColorSlider.resx | 5.85 KB |
| | APP.config | 1.7 KB |
| | Zen Player_TemporaryKey.pfx | 1.64 KB |
| | Zen Player.suo | 26 KB |
| | Zen Player.sln | 920 bytes |
| | Zen Player.exe | 11.91 MB |
| | Interop.WMPLib.dll | 324 KB |
| | Zen Player.pdb | 111.5 KB |
| | AxInterop.WMPLib.dll | 60 KB |
| | Zen Player.vshost.exe | 11.34 KB |
| | Zen Player.exe.manifest | 6.03 KB |
| | Zen Player.vshost.exe.manifest | 6.03 KB |
| | Zen Player.exe.config | 1.7 KB |
| | Zen Player.vshost.exe.config | 1.7 KB |
| | Zen Player.vshost.application | 1.59 KB |
| | Zen Player.application | 1.59 KB |
| | Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll | 17 KB |
| | Zen Player.exe | 11.91 MB |
| | Zen_Player.Properties.Resources.resources | 11.49 MB |
| | Interop.WMPLib.dll | 332 KB |
| | Zen_Player.Form1.resources | 188.83 KB |
| | Zen Player.pdb | 111.5 KB |
| | AxInterop.WMPLib.dll | 60 KB |
| | GenerateResource-ResGen.read.1.tlog | 20.07 KB |
| | DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache | 14.09 KB |
| | DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache | 13.1 KB |
| | ResolveAssemblyReference.cache | 7.39 KB |
| | DNA_Spin.gif | 1.7 MB |
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| | l-free-flash-xrmap-animated-gif.gif | 634.92 KB |
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| | 14-moving-sections-3d-animated-gif-images.gif | 474.73 KB |
| | 3-sparkling-planet-3d-animated-gif-images.gif | 460.78 KB |
| | 12-animated-circle-3d-animated-gif-images.gif | 454.65 KB |
| | Resources.resx | 25.7 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 23.35 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 2.76 KB |
| | APP.manifest | 1.46 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.4 KB |
| | settings.settings | 838 bytes |
| | Form1.resx | 289.59 KB |
| | 2 (159).ico | 187.75 KB |
| | ColorSlider.cs | 42.93 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 34.45 KB |
| | ColorSlider.dll | 32 KB |
| | Form1.cs | 16.61 KB |
| | Zen Player.csproj | 13.92 KB |
| | ColorSlider.resx | 5.85 KB |
| | APP.config | 1.7 KB |
| | Zen Player_TemporaryKey.pfx | 1.64 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.33 KB |
| | ColorSlider.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 139 bytes |
| | ColorSlider.cs | 42.91 KB |
| | ColorSlider.csproj | 2.64 KB |
| | ColorSlider.designer.cs | 1.17 KB |
| | ClassDiagram1.cd | 1 bytes |
| | UpgradeReport.xslt | 12.28 KB |
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| | UpgradeReport_Plus.gif | 71 bytes |
| | UpgradeReport_Minus.gif | 69 bytes |
| | Form1.resx | 289.59 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 289.59 KB |
| | 2 (159).ico | 187.75 KB |
| | 2 (159).ico | 187.75 KB |
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| | ColorSlider.cs | 42.93 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 35.66 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 34.45 KB |
| | ColorSlider.dll | 32 KB |
| | Zen Player.suo | 32 KB |
| | Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll | 5 KB |
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| | print_preview_arjun_.Properties.Resources.resources | 3.09 MB |
| | print_preview(arjun).pdb | 21.5 KB |
| | print_preview(arjun).csproj.GenerateResource.cache | 899 bytes |
| | print_preview_arjun_.Form1.resources | 180 bytes |
| | print_preview(arjun).csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 2.49 KB |
| | print_preview(arjun).exe | 3.11 MB |
| | print_preview(arjun).pdb | 21.5 KB |
| | print_preview(arjun).vshost.exe | 5.5 KB |
| | print,priview_cap_image.png | 3.08 MB |
| | Resources.resx | 6.09 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 3.08 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.28 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.08 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 12.29 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 6.07 KB |
| | print_preview(arjun).csproj | 3.3 KB |
| | Form1.cs | 605 bytes |
| | Program.cs | 487 bytes |
| | print_preview(arjun).suo | 17 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 12.29 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 6.07 KB |
| | print_preview(arjun).csproj | 3.3 KB |
| | Print_preview.sln | 949 bytes |
| | Form1.cs | 605 bytes |
| | Program.cs | 487 bytes |
| | Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll | 5 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4tryOut_arjun.exe | 432 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4tryOut_arjun.Properties.Resources.resources | 406.17 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4tryOut_arjun.pdb | 29.5 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4tryOut_arjun.csproj.GenerateResource.cache | 993 bytes |
| | WindowsApplication4tryOut_arjun.Form2.resources | 180 bytes |
| | WindowsApplication4tryOut_arjun.Form1.resources | 180 bytes |
| | WindowsApplication4tryOut_arjun.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 4.38 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4tryOut_arjun.exe | 432 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4tryOut_arjun.pdb | 29.5 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4tryOut_arjun.vshost.exe | 5.5 KB |
| | DesktopImage1.png | 202.75 KB |
| | DesktopImage.png | 202.75 KB |
| | Resources.resx | 6.32 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 3.34 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.3 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.09 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 12.24 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 6.07 KB |
| | Form2.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4tryOut_arjun.csproj | 3.72 KB |
| | Form2.Designer.cs | 2.37 KB |
| | Form1.cs | 2.31 KB |
| | Form2.cs | 532 bytes |
| | Program.cs | 498 bytes |
| | WindowsApplication4tryOut_arjun.suo | 15 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 12.24 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 6.07 KB |
| | Form2.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4tryOut_arjun.csproj | 3.72 KB |
| | Form2.Designer.cs | 2.37 KB |
| | Form1.cs | 2.31 KB |
| | WindowsApplication4tryOut_arjun.sln | 982 bytes |
| | Form2.cs | 532 bytes |
| | Program.cs | 498 bytes |
| | Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll | 5 KB |
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| | 1animated183.gif | 79.94 KB |
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| | Resources.resx | 6.79 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 3.82 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.43 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.08 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | Form1.resx | 6.04 KB |
| | WindowsFormsApplication7.csproj | 4.02 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 3.79 KB |
| | Form1.cs | 1.24 KB |
| | Program.cs | 516 bytes |
| | WindowsFormsApplication7.suo | 24.5 KB |
| | WindowsFormsApplication7.sln | 962 bytes |
| | Text To Speech.xps | 372.88 KB |
| | text to speech1.xps | 369.95 KB |
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| | Text-to-Speech Conversion in C#.docx | 162.56 KB |
| | speack to text.docx | 55.46 KB |
| | Text to Speech - CodeProject®.docx | 41.21 KB |
| | text to speech program (2).txt | 1.8 KB |
| | text to speech program.txt | 1.61 KB |
| | Interop.WMPLib.dll | 332 KB |
| | AxInterop.WMPLib.dll | 60 KB |
| | WindowsFormsApplication8.pdb | 21.5 KB |
| | WindowsFormsApplication8.exe | 10 KB |
| | WindowsFormsApplication8.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 2.58 KB |
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| | WindowsFormsApplication8.Form1.resources | 737 bytes |
| | WindowsFormsApplication8.csproj.ResolveComReference.cache | 544 bytes |
| | WindowsFormsApplication8.Properties.Resources.resources | 180 bytes |
| | Interop.WMPLib.dll | 332 KB |
| | AxInterop.WMPLib.dll | 60 KB |
| | WindowsFormsApplication8.pdb | 21.5 KB |
| | WindowsFormsApplication8.vshost.exe | 13.99 KB |
| | WindowsFormsApplication8.exe | 10 KB |
| | WindowsFormsApplication8.vshost.exe.manifest | 490 bytes |
| | Resources.resx | 5.48 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.81 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.43 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.08 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | Form1.resx | 6.56 KB |
| | WindowsFormsApplication8.csproj | 4.3 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 4.29 KB |
| | Form1.cs | 897 bytes |
| | Program.cs | 516 bytes |
| | WindowsFormsApplication8.suo | 18 KB |
| | WindowsFormsApplication8.sln | 962 bytes |
| | Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll | 5 KB |
| | WindowsFormsApplication3.exe | 216.5 KB |
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| | 3D Picture (7).jpg | 63.38 KB |
| | 5802-2.gif | 38.46 KB |
| | Resources.resx | 6.58 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 3.6 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.43 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.08 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 7.28 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Form2.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | passwordwindow.csproj | 4.32 KB |
| | Form1.cs | 1.47 KB |
| | Form2.Designer.cs | 1.46 KB |
| | Program.cs | 516 bytes |
| | Form2.cs | 461 bytes |
| | WindowsFormsApplication3.suo | 18 KB |
| | WindowsFormsApplication3.sln | 942 bytes |
| | BIODATA MAKEING SOFTWARE.vshost.exe | 13.99 KB |
| | BIODATA MAKEING SOFTWARE.vshost.exe.manifest | 490 bytes |
| | Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll | 5.5 KB |
| | BIODATA_MAKEING_SOFTWARE.Properties.Resources.resources | 171.38 KB |
| | BIODATA_MAKEING_SOFTWARE.Form1.resources | 10.48 KB |
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| | BIODATA MAKEING SOFTWARE.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 2.2 KB |
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| | MET3.gif | 1.87 KB |
| | em4.gif | 1.85 KB |
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| | new simbol.png | 397 bytes |
| | open simbol.png | 340 bytes |
| | Resources.resx | 7.73 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 4.79 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.27 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.08 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 56.2 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 22.58 KB |
| | Form2.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Form2.Designer.cs | 4.17 KB |
| | Form1.cs | 3.59 KB |
| | BIODATA MAKEING SOFTWARE (2).csproj | 3.29 KB |
| | Form2.cs | 623 bytes |
| | Program.cs | 491 bytes |
| | 3d_043.jpg | 188.33 KB |
| | Resources.resx | 6.05 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 3.05 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.27 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.08 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 47.99 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 22.41 KB |
| | Form1.cs | 1.65 KB |
| | Program.cs | 491 bytes |
| | BIODATA MAKEING SOFTWARE.sln | 961 bytes |
| | UpgradeReport.xslt | 12.28 KB |
| | UpgradeReport.css | 3.27 KB |
| | UpgradeReport_Plus.gif | 71 bytes |
| | UpgradeReport_Minus.gif | 69 bytes |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 56.2 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 47.99 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 22.58 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 22.41 KB |
| | Form2.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | UpgradeLog.xml | 4.84 KB |
| | Form2.Designer.cs | 4.17 KB |
| | Form1.cs | 3.59 KB |
| | Text To Speech Converter.exe | 71 KB |
| | Text To Speech Converter.pdb | 37.5 KB |
| | Text To Speech Converter.vshost.exe | 13.99 KB |
| | Text To Speech Converter.vshost.exe.manifest | 490 bytes |
| | Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll | 5 KB |
| | Text To Speech Converter.exe | 71 KB |
| | Text_To_Speech_Converter.Properties.Resources.resources | 54.7 KB |
| | Text To Speech Converter.pdb | 37.5 KB |
| | Text To Speech Converter.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 4.76 KB |
| | Text To Speech Converter.csproj.GenerateResource.cache | 1.01 KB |
| | Text_To_Speech_Converter.HELP.resources | 180 bytes |
| | Text_To_Speech_Converter.Form1.resources | 180 bytes |
| | Text_To_Speech_Converter.AUTHER.resources | 180 bytes |
| | a.png | 32.21 KB |
| | A1.png | 21.87 KB |
| | Resources.resx | 6.27 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 3.28 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.43 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.08 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 14.67 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 6.44 KB |
| | AUTHER.resx | 5.87 KB |
| | help.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Text To Speech Converter.csproj | 4.66 KB |
| | AUTHER.Designer.cs | 3.84 KB |
| | Form1.cs | 2.06 KB |
| | HELP.Designer.cs | 1.46 KB |
| | AUTHER.cs | 1.44 KB |
| | Program.cs | 516 bytes |
| | help.cs | 372 bytes |
| | Text To Speech Converter.suo | 22.5 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 14.67 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 6.44 KB |
| | AUTHER.resx | 5.87 KB |
| | help.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Text To Speech Converter.csproj | 4.66 KB |
| | AUTHER.Designer.cs | 3.84 KB |
| | Form1.cs | 2.06 KB |
| | HELP.Designer.cs | 1.46 KB |
| | AUTHER.cs | 1.44 KB |
| | Chapter4_E1.pdb | 65.5 KB |
| | Chapter4_E1.exe | 29.5 KB |
| | Chapter4_E1.vshost.exe | 13.99 KB |
| | Chapter4_E1.vshost.exe.manifest | 490 bytes |
| | Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll | 4.5 KB |
| | Chapter4_E1.pdb | 65.5 KB |
| | Chapter4_E1.exe | 29.5 KB |
| | Chapter4_E1.frmMain.resources | 5.42 KB |
| | Chapter4_E1_2_3.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 1.14 KB |
| | Chapter4_E1.csproj.GenerateResource.cache | 1.07 KB |
| | Chapter4_E1_2_3.csproj.GenerateResource.cache | 774 bytes |
| | Chapter4_E1.Properties.Resources.resources | 180 bytes |
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| | Chapter4_E1.frmFaculty.resources | 180 bytes |
| | Chapter4_E1_2_3.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 2.91 KB |
| | Chapter4_E1_2_3.csproj.FileList.txt | 390 bytes |
| | Chapter4_E1.csproj.FileList.txt | 386 bytes |
| | Resources.resx | 5.48 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.78 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.26 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.07 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | Chapter4_E1_2_3.suo | 16 KB |
| | frmStudent.designer.cs | 15.92 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 13.78 KB |
| | frmFaculty.designer.cs | 11.72 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 10.84 KB |
| | frmStudent.resx | 5.88 KB |
| | frmFaculty.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Chapter4_E1_2_3.csproj | 4.07 KB |
| | frmStudent.cs | 3.04 KB |
| | Form1.cs | 2.97 KB |
| | UpgradeReport.xslt | 12.28 KB |
| | UpgradeReport.css | 3.27 KB |
| | UpgradeReport_Plus.gif | 71 bytes |
| | UpgradeReport_Minus.gif | 69 bytes |
| | Resources.resx | 5.48 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.78 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.26 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.07 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | exit.ico | 2.93 KB |
| | faculty.ico | 1.05 KB |
| | student.ico | 1.05 KB |
| | Chapter4_E1_2_3.suo | 22 KB |
| | frmStudent.designer.cs | 15.92 KB |
| | Chapter4_E1_2_3 (2).suo | 14.5 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 13.78 KB |
| | frmFaculty.designer.cs | 11.72 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 10.84 KB |
| | UpgradeLog.xml | 6.08 KB |
| | frmStudent.resx | 5.88 KB |
| | frmFaculty.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | frmFaculty.designer.resx | 4.32 KB |
| | Impotentnote software.exe | 61.5 KB |
| | Impotentnote software.pdb | 33.5 KB |
| | Impotentnote software.vshost.exe | 13.99 KB |
| | Impotentnote software.vshost.exe.manifest | 490 bytes |
| | Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll | 4.5 KB |
| | Impotentnote software.exe | 61.5 KB |
| | Impotentnote software.pdb | 33.5 KB |
| | Impotentnote_software.Properties.Resources.resources | 32.66 KB |
| | Impotentnote_software.Form1.resources | 11.93 KB |
| | ResolveAssemblyReference.cache | 5.31 KB |
| | Impotentnote software.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 1.88 KB |
| | Impotentnote software.csproj.GenerateResource.cache | 941 bytes |
| | Impotentnote_software.Auther.resources | 180 bytes |
| | a.png | 32.21 KB |
| | Resources.resx | 6.04 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 3.04 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.42 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.08 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | Form1.resx | 24.84 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 22.88 KB |
| | AUTHER.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Impotentnote software.csproj | 4.32 KB |
| | AUTHER.Designer.cs | 2.39 KB |
| | Form1.cs | 1.04 KB |
| | Program.cs | 513 bytes |
| | AUTHER.cs | 497 bytes |
| | Form1.resx | 24.84 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 22.88 KB |
| | Impotentnote software.suo | 20.5 KB |
| | AUTHER.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Impotentnote software.csproj | 4.32 KB |
| | AUTHER.Designer.cs | 2.39 KB |
| | Form1.cs | 1.04 KB |
| | Impotentnote software.sln | 953 bytes |
| | Program.cs | 513 bytes |
| | AUTHER.cs | 497 bytes |
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| | Inpedit.aspx | 15.18 KB |
| | Inpdel.aspx | 15.13 KB |
| | Hospitalinsurance.aspx | 14.01 KB |
| | Researchinghh.aspx | 12.62 KB |
| | Paydel.aspx | 11.73 KB |
| | Inpnew.aspx | 11.41 KB |
| | Payedit.aspx | 11.34 KB |
| | OpEdit.aspx | 11.18 KB |
| | digit.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache | 147.34 KB |
| | digit.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | digit.exe | 5 KB |
| | digit.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 910 bytes |
| | TemporaryGeneratedFile_5937a670-0e60-4077-877b-f7221da3dda1.cs | 0 bytes |
| | TemporaryGeneratedFile_036C0B5B-1481-4323-8D20-8F5ADCB23D92.cs | 0 bytes |
| | TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs | 0 bytes |
| | digit.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | digit.exe | 5 KB |
| | digit.exe.config | 173 bytes |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.04 KB |
| | digit.csproj | 2.19 KB |
| | Program.cs | 685 bytes |
| | APP.config | 173 bytes |
| | Project3.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | project3.vshost.exe | 5.5 KB |
| | Project3.exe | 4 KB |
| | project3.exe.config | 146 bytes |
| | Project3.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | Project3.exe | 4 KB |
| | project3.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 1.22 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.23 KB |
| | Project3.csproj | 2.11 KB |
| | digit.cs | 649 bytes |
| | APP.config | 146 bytes |
| | Project3.suo | 9.5 KB |
| | digit.csproj | 2.19 KB |
| | Project3.sln | 1.71 KB |
| | Program.cs | 685 bytes |
| | APP.config | 173 bytes |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.27 KB |
| | Virtual Function.csproj | 2.08 KB |
| | mainClass.cs | 456 bytes |
| | Harbivorous.cs | 284 bytes |
| | carnivorous.cs | 283 bytes |
| | animal.cs | 270 bytes |
| | implement.cs | 238 bytes |
| | Virtual Function.suo | 30 KB |
| | Virtual Function.csproj | 2.08 KB |
| | Virtual Function.sln | 937 bytes |
| | mainClass.cs | 456 bytes |
| | Harbivorous.cs | 284 bytes |
| | carnivorous.cs | 283 bytes |
| | animal.cs | 270 bytes |
| | implement.cs | 238 bytes |
| | dataentry.pdb | 29.5 KB |
| | dataentry.csproj.GenerateResource.cache | 901 bytes |
| | dataentry.Frmmain.resources | 180 bytes |
| | dataentry.Properties.Resources.resources | 180 bytes |
| | dataentry.stufrm.resources | 180 bytes |
| | dataentry.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 970 bytes |
| | dataentry.pdb | 29.5 KB |
| | Resources.resx | 5.48 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.78 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.25 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.07 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | stufrm.Designer.cs | 13.09 KB |
| | stufrm.resx | 5.88 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 5.87 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 4.17 KB |
| | dataentry.csproj | 3.57 KB |
| | Program.cs | 478 bytes |
| | Form1.cs | 338 bytes |
| | stufrm.cs | 336 bytes |
| | dataentry.csproj.user | 168 bytes |
| | student details.cs | 140 bytes |
| | frmStudent.cs | 135 bytes |
| | dataentry.suo | 14.5 KB |
| | stufrm.Designer.cs | 13.09 KB |
| | stufrm.resx | 5.88 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 5.87 KB |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 4.17 KB |
| | dataentry.csproj | 3.57 KB |
| | dataentry.sln | 916 bytes |
| | Program.cs | 478 bytes |
| | Form1.cs | 338 bytes |
| | stufrm.cs | 336 bytes |
| | swaping two nums.exe | 16 KB |
| | swaping two nums.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | swaping two nums.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 568 bytes |
| | swaping two nums.exe | 16 KB |
| | swaping two nums.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | swaping two nums.vshost.exe | 5.5 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.29 KB |
| | swaping two nums.csproj | 1.95 KB |
| | test.cs | 439 bytes |
| | swaping.cs | 315 bytes |
| | swaping two nums.suo | 11 KB |
| | swaping two nums.csproj | 1.95 KB |
| | swaping two nums.sln | 937 bytes |
| | test.cs | 439 bytes |
| | swaping.cs | 315 bytes |
| | eskayjay.exe | 16 KB |
| | eskayjay.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | eskayjay.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 1011 bytes |
| | eskayjay.exe | 16 KB |
| | eskayjay.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | eskayjay.vshost.exe | 5.5 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.25 KB |
| | eskayjay.csproj | 1.92 KB |
| | selection sorting.cs | 1.15 KB |
| | eskayjay.suo | 11.5 KB |
| | eskayjay.sln | 913 bytes |
| | rectangle area.exe | 16 KB |
| | rectangle area.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | rectangle area.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 528 bytes |
| | rectangle area.exe | 16 KB |
| | rectangle area.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | rectangle area.vshost.exe | 5.5 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.29 KB |
| | rectangle area.csproj | 1.95 KB |
| | area r.cs | 425 bytes |
| | Rectangle.cs | 314 bytes |
| | rectangle area.suo | 11.5 KB |
| | rectangle area.csproj | 1.95 KB |
| | rectangle area.sln | 931 bytes |
| | area r.cs | 425 bytes |
| | Rectangle.cs | 314 bytes |
| | ConsoleApplication9.exe | 16 KB |
| | ConsoleApplication9.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | ConsoleApplication9.vshost.exe | 5.5 KB |
| | ConsoleApplication9.exe | 16 KB |
| | ConsoleApplication9.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | ConsoleApplication9.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 2.29 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.27 KB |
| | ConsoleApplication9.csproj | 1.93 KB |
| | Program.cs | 1.12 KB |
| | ConsoleApplication9.suo | 12.5 KB |
| | ConsoleApplication9.sln | 946 bytes |
| | Project4.exe | 16 KB |
| | Project4.pdb | 11.5 KB |
| | project4.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 328 bytes |
| | Project4.exe | 16 KB |
| | Project4.pdb | 11.5 KB |
| | project4.vshost.exe | 5.5 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.23 KB |
| | Project4.csproj | 1.91 KB |
| | quotient.cs | 601 bytes |
| | Project4.suo | 9.5 KB |
| | Project4.sln | 913 bytes |
| | Project26.exe | 16 KB |
| | Project26.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | project26.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 403 bytes |
| | Project26.exe | 16 KB |
| | Project26.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | project26.vshost.exe | 5.5 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.24 KB |
| | Project26.csproj | 1.92 KB |
| | Array_substraction.cs | 1.21 KB |
| | Project26.suo | 9 KB |
| | Project26.csproj | 1.92 KB |
| | Array_substraction.cs | 1.21 KB |
| | Project26.sln | 916 bytes |
| | ConsoleApplication21.exe | 16 KB |
| | ConsoleApplication21.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | ConsoleApplication21.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 1.63 KB |
| | ConsoleApplication21.exe | 16 KB |
| | ConsoleApplication21.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.28 KB |
| | ConsoleApplication21.csproj | 1.93 KB |
| | Program.cs | 786 bytes |
| | ConsoleApplication21.suo | 13 KB |
| | ConsoleApplication21.sln | 949 bytes |
| | THREAD.txt | 1.2 KB |
| | arrylist.cs | 1.17 KB |
| | student.cs | 1.14 KB |
| | Student1.cs | 1.11 KB |
| | the zip death.txt | 1.1 KB |
| | celceas.cs | 822 bytes |
| | celceas1.cs | 822 bytes |
| | Pallindrome.java | 615 bytes |
| | HELLO.cs | 406 bytes |
| | display student marks.cs | 390 bytes |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.3 KB |
| | project53_Virtual_Function_Example.csproj | 2.11 KB |
| | mainClass.cs | 474 bytes |
| | Harbivorous.cs | 301 bytes |
| | carnivorous.cs | 300 bytes |
| | animal.cs | 288 bytes |
| | implement.cs | 256 bytes |
| | project53_Virtual_Function_Example.suo | 22 KB |
| | project53_Virtual_Function_Example.csproj | 2.11 KB |
| | project53_Virtual_Function_Example.sln | 991 bytes |
| | mainClass.cs | 474 bytes |
| | Harbivorous.cs | 301 bytes |
| | carnivorous.cs | 300 bytes |
| | animal.cs | 288 bytes |
| | implement.cs | 256 bytes |
| | project63_Ch10_Ex1_BookTicket.pdb | 17.5 KB |
| | project63_Ch10_Ex1_BookTicket.exe | 16 KB |
| | project63_Ch10_Ex1_BookTicket.pdb | 17.5 KB |
| | project63_Ch10_Ex1_BookTicket.exe | 16 KB |
| | project63_Ch10_Ex1_BookTicket.vshost.exe | 5.5 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.28 KB |
| | project63_Ch10_Ex1_BookTicket.csproj | 2.04 KB |
| | BookTicket.cs | 919 bytes |
| | MainMovieTicket.cs | 551 bytes |
| | ExcessBookingException.cs | 303 bytes |
| | project63_Ch10_Ex1_BookTicket.suo | 21 KB |
| | project63_Ch10_Ex1_BookTicket.csproj | 2.04 KB |
| | project63_Ch10_Ex1_BookTicket.sln | 976 bytes |
| | BookTicket.cs | 919 bytes |
| | MainMovieTicket.cs | 551 bytes |
| | ExcessBookingException.cs | 303 bytes |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.29 KB |
| | project46_Largest of 3 No.s (While).csproj | 1.96 KB |
| | Largest.cs | 838 bytes |
| | project46_Largest of 3 No.s (While).suo | 19.5 KB |
| | project46_Largest of 3 No.s (While).csproj | 1.96 KB |
| | project46_Largest of 3 No.s (While).sln | 994 bytes |
| | Largest.cs | 838 bytes |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.29 KB |
| | Calculate.cs | 712 bytes |
| | MainCountZero.cs | 552 bytes |
| | CountIsZeroException.cs | 309 bytes |
| | project62_UserDefined_ExceptionHandling.suo | 17 KB |
| | project62_UserDefined_ExceptionHandling.sln | 1006 bytes |
| | Calculate.cs | 712 bytes |
| | MainCountZero.cs | 552 bytes |
| | CountIsZeroException.cs | 309 bytes |
| | Project1.exe | 16 KB |
| | Project1.pdb | 15.5 KB |
| | Project1.vshost.exe | 5.5 KB |
| | Project1.exe | 16 KB |
| | Project1.pdb | 15.5 KB |
| | project1_no_of_Digits.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 2.39 KB |
| | project1.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 308 bytes |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.23 KB |
| | project1_no_of_Digits.csproj | 1.9 KB |
| | DIGITS.cs | 631 bytes |
| | Project1.suo | 13.5 KB |
| | project1_no_of_Digits.suo | 7.5 KB |
| | Project1.sln | 939 bytes |
| | project47_OOP CH2 Ex1 Shapes.exe | 16 KB |
| | project47_OOP CH2 Ex1 Shapes.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | project47_OOP CH2 Ex1 Shapes.exe | 16 KB |
| | project47_OOP CH2 Ex1 Shapes.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | project47_OOP CH2 Ex1 Shapes.vshost.exe | 5.5 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.27 KB |
| | project47_OOP CH2 Ex1 Shapes.csproj | 1.99 KB |
| | Geometrycal_Shapes.cs | 867 bytes |
| | PRINT.cs | 523 bytes |
| | project47_OOP CH2 Ex1 Shapes.suo | 12 KB |
| | project47_OOP CH2 Ex1 Shapes.csproj | 1.99 KB |
| | project47_OOP CH2 Ex1 Shapes.sln | 973 bytes |
| | Geometrycal_Shapes.cs | 867 bytes |
| | PRINT.cs | 523 bytes |
| | project64_Using_Deligates.exe | 16 KB |
| | project64_Using_Deligates.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | project64_Using_Deligates.vshost.exe | 5.5 KB |
| | project64_Using_Deligates.exe | 16 KB |
| | project64_Using_Deligates.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | project64_Using_Deligates.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 561 bytes |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.27 KB |
| | project64_Using_Deligates.csproj | 1.94 KB |
| | PrintToDevice.cs | 1.87 KB |
| | project64_Using_Deligates.suo | 10.5 KB |
| | project64_Using_Deligates.csproj | 1.94 KB |
| | PrintToDevice.cs | 1.87 KB |
| | project64_Using_Deligates.sln | 964 bytes |
| | project33_Area of a Rectangle.exe | 16 KB |
| | project33_Area of a Rectangle.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | project33_Area of a Rectangle.exe | 16 KB |
| | project33_Area of a Rectangle.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | project33_Area of a Rectangle.vshost.exe | 5.5 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.28 KB |
| | project33_Area of a Rectangle.csproj | 1.98 KB |
| | Rectangle.cs | 579 bytes |
| | area.cs | 450 bytes |
| | project33_Area of a Rectangle.suo | 14 KB |
| | project33_Area of a Rectangle.csproj | 1.98 KB |
| | project33_Area of a Rectangle.sln | 976 bytes |
| | Rectangle.cs | 579 bytes |
| | area.cs | 450 bytes |
| | project35_Swap no.s by ref type.exe | 16 KB |
| | project35_Swap no.s by ref type.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | project35_Swap no.s by ref type.exe | 16 KB |
| | project35_Swap no.s by ref type.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.28 KB |
| | project35_Swap no.s by ref type.csproj | 1.98 KB |
| | SWAP.cs | 544 bytes |
| | test.cs | 456 bytes |
| | project35_Swap no.s by ref type.suo | 14 KB |
| | project35_Swap no.s by ref type.csproj | 1.98 KB |
| | project35_Swap no.s by ref type.sln | 982 bytes |
| | SWAP.cs | 544 bytes |
| | test.cs | 456 bytes |
| | project10_Product 1st 10 Evens.exe | 16 KB |
| | project10_Product 1st 10 Evens.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | project10_Product 1st 10 Evens.vshost.exe | 5.5 KB |
| | project10_Product 1st 10 Evens.exe | 16 KB |
| | project10_Product 1st 10 Evens.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.28 KB |
| | project10_Product 1st 10 Evens.csproj | 1.95 KB |
| | product_10even.cs | 953 bytes |
| | project10_Product 1st 10 Evens.suo | 11 KB |
| | project10_Product 1st 10 Evens.csproj | 1.95 KB |
| | project10_Product 1st 10 Evens.sln | 979 bytes |
| | product_10even.cs | 953 bytes |
| | project12_Quotient.exe | 16 KB |
| | project12_Quotient.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | project12_Quotient.vshost.exe | 5.5 KB |
| | project12_Quotient.exe | 16 KB |
| | project12_Quotient.pdb | 13.5 KB |
| | project12_Quotient.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 463 bytes |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.25 KB |
| | project12_Quotient.csproj | 1.92 KB |
| | quotient.cs | 668 bytes |
| | project12_Quotient.suo | 11 KB |
| | project12_Quotient.csproj | 1.92 KB |
| | project12_Quotient.sln | 943 bytes |
| | quotient.cs | 668 bytes |
| | Program factorial.cs | 731 bytes |
| | from.exe | 4 KB |
| | diget.exe | 4 KB |
| | from.cs | 681 bytes |
| | diget.cs | 631 bytes |
| | Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll | 4.5 KB |
| | eeee.pdb | 53.5 KB |
| | eeee.exe | 52 KB |
| | eeee.Form1.resources | 16.45 KB |
| | eeee.csproj.GenerateResource.cache | 774 bytes |
| | eeee.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 506 bytes |
| | eeee.Form2.resources | 180 bytes |
| | eeee.Properties.Resources.resources | 180 bytes |
| | eeee.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt | 2.44 KB |
| | eeee.pdb | 53.5 KB |
| | eeee.exe | 52 KB |
| | eeee.vshost.exe | 13.99 KB |
| | eeee.vshost.exe.manifest | 490 bytes |
| | dfsfrdfgdgf | 144 bytes |
| | Resources.resx | 5.48 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.77 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.23 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.06 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 39.53 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 27.97 KB |
| | Form2.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Form1.cs | 4.67 KB |
| | Form2.Designer.cs | 4.65 KB |
| | eeee.csproj | 3.67 KB |
| | Form2.cs | 688 bytes |
| | Program.cs | 471 bytes |
| | Resources.resx | 5.48 KB |
| | Resources.Designer.cs | 2.77 KB |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.23 KB |
| | Settings.Designer.cs | 1.06 KB |
| | settings.settings | 249 bytes |
| | Form1.Designer.cs | 39.53 KB |
| | Form1.resx | 27.97 KB |
| | Form2.resx | 5.68 KB |
| | Form1.cs | 4.67 KB |
| | Form2.Designer.cs | 4.65 KB |
| | eeee.csproj | 3.47 KB |
| | Form2.cs | 688 bytes |
| | Program.cs | 471 bytes |
| | eeee.suo | 12.5 KB |
| | eeee.sln | 901 bytes |
| | UpgradeReport.xslt | 12.28 KB |
| | UpgradeReport.css | 3.27 KB |
| | UpgradeReport_Plus.gif | 71 bytes |
| | UpgradeReport_Minus.gif | 69 bytes |
| | eeee.suo | 15.5 KB |
| | UpgradeLog.xml | 3.42 KB |
| | eeee.sln | 902 bytes |
| | JSCompiler-0.0.3-1.zip | 1009.22 KB |
| | 4670cd.zip | 348.48 KB |
| | mtate20202src.zip | 215.8 KB |
| | dmdscript.zip | 120.49 KB |
| | C to C Translator.zip | 120.39 KB |
| | CxxCavaConverter03.rar | 101.28 KB |
| | 2005510040_Conventer.arc | 29.09 KB |
| | RpgTutorial.zip | 20.24 KB |
| | c#.txt | 381 bytes |
| | hmis.pdf | 2.04 MB |
| | Quintegra HMIS.pdf | 1.86 MB |
| | AHMS.pdf | 503.27 KB |
| | HMS.pdf | 189.06 KB |