Axiom.Verge [SpamBan Repack] (Size: 168.45 MB)
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| | | 180.32 KB |
| | MojoShader.dll | 165 KB |
| | CSteamworks.dll | 110 KB |
| | | 73.58 KB |
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| | i18n.dll | 35 KB |
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| | OuterBeyond14 | 3.9 MB |
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| | Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.cmd | 131 bytes |
Title: Axiom Verge
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Developer: Thomas Happ Games LLC
Publisher: Thomas Happ Games LLC
Release Date: 14 May, 2015
About This Game
This is the action-adventure you’ve been waiting decades for. After a lab accident, a scientist awakens in a mysterious, alien world. Is this a distant planet? The far future? Or a complex virtual-reality computer simulation?
Plumb the recesses of a large, labyrinthine world in order to learn its secrets and uncover your role within it.
Discover tons of weapons, items, and abilities, each with their own unique behaviors and usage. You’ll need your wits to find them all.
Combat bizarre biomechanoid constructs, the deadly fallout of an ancient war, and the demons of your own psyche.
And finally, break the game itself by using glitches to corrupt foes and solve puzzles in the environment.
Life. Afterlife. Real. Virtual. Dream. Nightmare. It's a thin line.
It's Axiom Verge.
System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista
Processor: Intel Pentium E2180 2.0 GHz
Memory: 500 MB RAM
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4400
Hard Drive: 300 MB available space
Additional Notes: Dual Shock 4 or XInput controller recommended.
Sharing Widget