Atom Grrrl! Windows 2016 (Size: 339.96 MB)
| | Cheats.txt | 228 bytes |
| | | 6.25 KB |
| | atomgrrrl.exe | 377 KB |
| | script_version.txt | 10 bytes |
| | archive.rpa | 312.35 MB |
| | dynload.txt | 198 bytes |
| | Time.pyo | 202 bytes |
| | version.pyo | 482 bytes |
| | Compat.pyo | 3.68 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 5 KB |
| | SysFont.pyo | 21.58 KB |
| | MOUSE.pyd | 25 KB |
| | error.pyd | 29.5 KB |
| | Scrap.pyd | 31 KB |
| | Key.pyd | 37.5 KB |
| | JOYSTICK.pyd | 38.5 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 417 bytes |
| | sound.pyd | 76 KB |
| | stylesets.pyd | 23 KB |
| | style_activate_functions.pyd | 61.5 KB |
| | style_idle_functions.pyd | 63 KB |
| | style_hover_functions.pyd | 63 KB |
| | style_selected_idle_functions.pyd | 63 KB |
| | style_selected_activate_functions.pyd | 63.5 KB |
| | style_selected_hover_functions.pyd | 63.5 KB |
| | style_insensitive_functions.pyd | 64 KB |
| | style_selected_insensitive_functions.pyd | 65.5 KB |
| | style_selected_functions.pyd | 68.5 KB |
| | texwrap.pyd | 27.5 KB |
| | FTFont.pyd | 80 KB |
| | TextSupport.pyd | 360.5 KB |
| | glrtt_copy.pyd | 37 KB |
| | glrtt_fbo.pyd | 41 KB |
| | glenviron_limited.pyd | 46.5 KB |
| | glenviron_fixed.pyd | 58 KB |
| | gl1.pyd | 68 KB |
| | glenviron_shader.pyd | 75 KB |
| | GL.pyd | 140.5 KB |
| | GLTexture.pyd | 278.5 KB |
| | gldraw.pyd | 357 KB |
| | glrtt_copy.pyd | 37.5 KB |
| | glrtt_fbo.pyd | 41 KB |
| | glenviron_shader.pyd | 75 KB |
| | GL.pyd | 141.5 KB |
| | GLTexture.pyd | 278.5 KB |
| | gldraw.pyd | 350 KB |
| | Accelerator.pyd | 82 KB |
| | render.pyd | 354 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 11.68 KB |
| | style.pyd | 161.5 KB |
| | site.pyo | 7.74 KB |
| | Select.pyd | 10 KB |
| | OS.pyo | 24.84 KB |
| | _socket.pyd | 45 KB |
| | bz2.pyd | 67 KB |
| | _ctypes.pyd | 85.5 KB |
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| | _renpy.pyd | 119.5 KB |
| | pyexpat.pyd | 124.5 KB |
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| | pythonw.exe | 26.5 KB |
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| | zlib1.dll | 100 KB |
| | SDL2_image.dll | 111.75 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 140 bytes |
| | error.pyo | 409 bytes |
| | USEFUL.pyo | 1.12 KB |
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| | char.pyo | 3.66 KB |
| | namedval.pyo | 3.96 KB |
| | Tag.pyo | 7.65 KB |
| | namedtype.pyo | 9.51 KB |
| | constraint.pyo | 11.11 KB |
| | base.pyo | 14 KB |
| | UNIV.pyo | 52.62 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 145 bytes |
| | decoder.pyo | 525 bytes |
| | encoder.pyo | 1.71 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 145 bytes |
| | decoder.pyo | 1.55 KB |
| | encoder.pyo | 5.86 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 145 bytes |
| | eoo.pyo | 623 bytes |
| | encoder.pyo | 15.67 KB |
| | decoder.pyo | 28.2 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 141 bytes |
| | __init__.pyo | 142 bytes |
| | octets.pyo | 2.12 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 331 bytes |
| | error.pyo | 710 bytes |
| | DEBUG.pyo | 5.02 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 157 bytes |
| | ElementPath.pyo | 8.12 KB |
| | ElementTree.pyo | 36.76 KB |
| | expat.pyo | 315 bytes |
| | __init__.pyo | 342 bytes |
| | __init__.pyo | 1.08 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 158 bytes |
| | nonmultipart.pyo | 972 bytes |
| | base.pyo | 1.17 KB |
| | TEXT.pyo | 1.36 KB |
| | MESSAGE.pyo | 1.5 KB |
| | multipart.pyo | 1.71 KB |
| | Image.pyo | 2.08 KB |
| | Audio.pyo | 2.95 KB |
| | Encoders.pyo | 2.37 KB |
| | Iterators.pyo | 2.45 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 2.97 KB |
| | Errors.pyo | 3.86 KB |
| | parser.pyo | 3.96 KB |
| | base64MIME.pyo | 5.33 KB |
| | quopriMIME.pyo | 9 KB |
| | utils.pyo | 9.39 KB |
| | generator.pyo | 10.66 KB |
| | FeedParser.pyo | 11.87 KB |
| | File.pyo | 188 bytes |
| | res.pyo | 266 bytes |
| | __init__.pyo | 444 bytes |
| | Files.pyo | 13.98 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 1.18 KB |
| | core.pyo | 1.44 KB |
| | asn1.pyo | 1.61 KB |
| | randnum.pyo | 1.71 KB |
| | PARALLEL.pyo | 1.98 KB |
| | pem.pyo | 2.67 KB |
| | Prime.pyo | 3.52 KB |
| | _compat.pyo | 3.65 KB |
| | varblock.pyo | 3.68 KB |
| | Common.pyo | 4.1 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 1.55 KB |
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| | utf_8.pyo | 2.14 KB |
| | utf_16_le.pyo | 2.19 KB |
| | utf_16_be.pyo | 2.19 KB |
| | mbcs.pyo | 2.21 KB |
| | string_escape.pyo | 2.28 KB |
| | unicode_escape.pyo | 2.37 KB |
| | raw_unicode_escape.pyo | 2.42 KB |
| | ASCII.pyo | 2.5 KB |
| | latin_1.pyo | 2.53 KB |
| | scanner.pyo | 2.26 KB |
| | decoder.pyo | 12.14 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 13.76 KB |
| | encoder.pyo | 13.85 KB |
| | _endian.pyo | 2.42 KB |
| | WINTYPES.pyo | 6.17 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 21.45 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 59.4 KB |
| | STRUCT.pyo | 267 bytes |
| | md5.pyo | 406 bytes |
| | dummy_threading.pyo | 1.28 KB |
| | nturl2path.pyo | 1.85 KB |
| | keyword.pyo | 2.11 KB |
| | atexit.pyo | 2.32 KB |
| | types.pyo | 2.61 KB |
| | Stat.pyo | 2.96 KB |
| | glob.pyo | 3.09 KB |
| | bisect.pyo | 3.14 KB |
| | | 0 bytes |
| | __init__.pyo | 129 bytes |
| | TextSupport.pxd | 2.34 KB |
| | Extras.pyo | 3.27 KB |
| | | 4.23 KB |
| | texwrap.pyx | 6.2 KB |
| | FTFont.pyx | 18.7 KB |
| | font.pyo | 19.27 KB |
| | TextSupport.pyx | 19.33 KB |
| | | 21.42 KB |
| | | 0 bytes |
| | __init__.pyo | 127 bytes |
| | glblacklist.pyo | 351 bytes |
| | | 1.8 KB |
| | glrtt_copy.pyx | 2.19 KB |
| | GLTexture.pxd | 2.6 KB |
| | glrtt_fbo.pyx | 2.92 KB |
| | gldraw.pxd | 3.17 KB |
| | glenviron_limited.pyx | 7.63 KB |
| | gl1.pyx | 8.87 KB |
| | | 0 bytes |
| | __init__.pyo | 128 bytes |
| | slproperties.pyo | 3.05 KB |
| | | 4.5 KB |
| | sldisplayables.pyo | 9.46 KB |
| | | 11.43 KB |
| | | 25 KB |
| | slparser.pyo | 25.02 KB |
| | slast.pyo | 42.42 KB |
| | | 54.37 KB |
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| | reslider_full.png | 543 bytes |
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| | 000atl.rpyc | 890 bytes |
| | 00images.rpyc | 1.45 KB |
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| | | 118 bytes |
| | __init__.pyo | 130 bytes |
| | glblacklist.pyo | 354 bytes |
| | | 1.92 KB |
| | glrtt_copy.pyx | 2.31 KB |
| | GLTexture.pxd | 2.72 KB |
| | glrtt_fbo.pyx | 3.03 KB |
| | gldraw.pxd | 3.29 KB |
| | glenviron_shader.pyx | 17.57 KB |
| | GL.pyx | 24.02 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 130 bytes |
| | | 1.13 KB |
| | sound.pyo | 1.89 KB |
| | | 2.54 KB |
| | | 4 KB |
| | | 4.09 KB |
| | ioshw.pyo | 4.72 KB |
| | androidhw.pyo | 4.9 KB |
| | music.pyo | 10.77 KB |
| | | 11.85 KB |
| | minigame.pyo | 357 bytes |
| | JOYSTICK.pyo | 591 bytes |
| | __init__.pyo | 758 bytes |
| | | 1.18 KB |
| | | 1.47 KB |
| | | 1.85 KB |
| | presplash.pyo | 2.39 KB |
| | render.pxd | 2.53 KB |
| | scale.pyo | 2.67 KB |
| | controller.pyo | 3.2 KB |
| | __init__.pyo | 1.05 KB |
| | stylesets.pyx | 1.15 KB |
| | styleclass.pyx | 1.15 KB |
| | styleutil.pyo | 1.62 KB |
| | | 2.03 KB |
| | | 2.25 KB |
| | | 16 bytes |
| | vc_version.pyo | 152 bytes |
| | minstore.pyo | 1.23 KB |
| | object.pyo | 1.97 KB |
| | | 2.1 KB |
| | add_from.pyo | 2.29 KB |
| | warp.pyo | 2.35 KB |
| | | 2.4 KB |
| | curry.pyo | 2.43 KB |
| | | 2.74 KB |
Returning to Las Vegas after studying abroad on the island nation of Yamato, Jessica L. Huster comes back to lead her gang, “The 99th Floor,” only to find out that her family is in big trouble with the dominating mafia boss, Big E. Jessica and her friend Anna come together to face trouble head-on, however Jessica’s cousin, Very could turn out to be a “very” big problem for the both of them..
This adventure is unlike any you have previously experienced, and the girls in Atom GRRRL!! are anything but sweet. On the rough streets of America, scum emerges from the shadows at night, and so do these naughty girls as they go to reclaim their territory.
The humour is raunchy; the style is right out of a Tarantino film. In Atom GRRRL!! nothing is sacred and there is no right or wrong, it is simply just hardcore, in-your-face America. The twists are many, and these girls will paint you with their crosshairs faster than you can say “apple pie.”
Follow Jessica L. Huster as she returns home to the crime-ridden streets of America in Atom GRRRL!!
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