Ashampoo FireWall PRO v1 10 WinALL Incl Keygen-ViRiLiTYseeders: 0
leechers: 1
Ashampoo FireWall PRO v1 10 WinALL Incl Keygen-ViRiLiTY (Size: 3.95 MB)
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TEAM ViRiLiTY ²ÞÛÝ° ޲ݱ Cracker : ..................................... TEAM ViRiLiTY ±Þ²Ý ޲ݱ Packager : ..................................... TEAM ViRiLiTY ±Þ²Ý °Þ²Ý° Release Date : ...................................... 1st Nov 2006 °Þ²Ý° °Þ²Ý° Disks : ........................................ 1 x 1,44mb °Þ²Ý° °Þ²Ý Protection : ............................................ Serial ޲ݰ °Þ²Ý° Requirements : ............................................ WinALL °Þ²Ý° °Þ²Ý° Language : ........................................... English °Þ²Ý° °Þ²Ý URL : .................................. ޲ݰ ޲ݰ °Þ²Ý ° ß²Ü°Ü Ü°Ü²ß ° ÞÛ°ßß±ÜÜÜ Üþ°þ þ°þÜ ÜÜܱßß°ÛÝ Ü±ß° °ßßßß²ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ²ß ß²ÜÜÜÜÜÜܲßßßß° °ß±Ü ± °ß RELEASE NOTES ß° ± ßþ þ þ þß Ü Ü Ashampoo FireWall PRO is like a trusty watchdog standing guard at the entrance to your property. It is always alert and checks everything going in and out of your computer, keeping out unwanted intruders and preventing unauthorized access to the Internet from your computer. And despite its impressive power it is so simple to use - in Easy Mode you just click and go for full protection. All the following functions and features are only available in the Pro version of Ashampoo FireWall. Child Protection mode: This feature is great for concerned parents, making it impossible to go online without entering the correct password. Active protection against Trojans: The Pro version provides effective active protection against Trojan horse programs, DLL hijackers and other malware that tries to use trusted applications like your web browser to go online secretly and transmit information. Stealth ports: “Ports” are like radio channels. They are the addresses in your computer that are used to access your machine from the Internet. There are thousands of these addresses, and if any of them are “open” a port scanner can find them and gain access to your computer. Stealth ports make your ports invisible so that scanner programs can’t even see that your computer exists. This provides very strong protection against attacks. Port scan blocking: This feature adds further protection by actively preventing scans of your computer’s ports, even including the open ports that you are using for communication. Together with stealth ports it makes it virtually impossible for attackers to access your machine. Complex rules: Experienced users can define complex firewall rules geared to their own specific needs. For example, you could create a rule specifying “Allow outgoing UDP packets on port X for application Y”. Traffic volume limiting: This useful function prevents unexpected costs on volume-based Internet accounts. It monitors your traffic and can be set to automatically close your connection as soon as you reach your monthly limit. Real-time connection analysis: This function generates detailed statistics on every connection and every event in real time and displays them. Internet Accelerator: Checks the configuration of your Internet connection and optimizes your settings automatically if necessary to achieve better performance. FileWiper: This useful tool enables you to permanently delete critical files and folders from your hard disks so that they can never be found or recovered – not even by data security experts using professional laboratory tools. þ Ü ß±Ü° °Ü±ß ÞÛ ÛÝ Ü²ß ß²Ü ° ß²Ü°Ü Ü°Ü²ß ° ÞÛ°ßß±ÜÜÜ Üþ°þ þ°þÜ ÜÜܱßß°ÛÝ Ü±ß° °ßßßß²ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ²ß ß²ÜÜÜÜÜÜܲßßßß° °ß±Ü ± °ß INSTALL NOTES ß° ± ßþ þ þ þß Ü Ü Use our keygen to generate your personal registration key! þ Ü ß±Ü° °Ü±ß ÞÛ ÛÝ Ü²ß ß²Ü ° ß²Ü°Ü Ü°Ü²ß ° ÞÛ°ßß±ÜÜÜ Üþ°þ þ°þÜ ÜÜܱßß°ÛÝ Ü±ß° °ßßßß²ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ²ß ß²ÜÜÜÜÜÜܲßßßß° °ß±Ü ± °ß GREETiNGS! ß° ± ßþ þ þ þß Ü Ü All our ex-girlfriends ... may they burn in hell. þ þ ߱ܰ °Ü±ß ÞÛ ÛÝ Ü²ß ß²Ü ° ߲ܰܰ ß°°±ÜÜ° °Üܱ°°ß °Ü°Ü²ß ° ÞÛ°ßß±ÜÜÜ ßßßÜÜÜÜÜ þß° °ßþ ÜÜÜÜÜßßß ÜÜܱßß°ÛÝ Ü±ß° °ßßßß²ÜÜÜ° °ßßßß²±ÜÜÜþ þÜÜܱ²ßßßß° °ÜÜܲßßßß° °ß±Ü ± ±ÜÜß± °ÜÜÜßß° ßÛÜÜþÜÜÜÛß °ßßÜÜÜ° ±ßÜܱ ± ßþ Üß° ° °ÜÜßß ÜÜܲßßÛ²ß ß²Ûßß²ÜÜÜ ßßÜÜ° ° °ßÜ þß Ü ÞÝ ²ß °Üþßß ° °ß ß° ° ßßþÜ° ß² ÞÝ Ü ß°Ü° ÞÝ ÞÝ ° ° ÞÝ ÞÝ °Ü°ß ßÜÜÜß ßÜÜÜß NFO by asphyx^SAC - Updated on 2005-08-08 by TEAM ViRiLiTY IF YOU USE THIS SOFTWARE, BUY IT! 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