Antichrist R5 DVDR-HNRDVDseeders: 0
leechers: 1
Antichrist R5 DVDR-HNRDVD (Size: 4.45 GB)
RELEASE DATE.[ 09-14-2009] STREET DATE..[ XX-XX-2009] THEATRE DATE.[ [U.S. LiMiTED]] 10-23-2009] GENRE........[ HorrorDrama] RUNTIME......[ 104 Minutes] iMDB RATiNG..[ 7.2/10 - 4,366 Votes] DVD iNFO STANDARD:: [ ] NTSC [x] PAL [ ] FULLFRAME [ ] LETTERBOX [x] WiDESCREEN [x] COLOR [ ] BW [x] ANAMORPHiC A/R.....:: [ ] 1:33:1 [ ] 1:66:1 [ ] 1.78:1 [ ] 1.85:1 [x] 2.35:1 [ ] 2.40:1 RELEASE.:: [ ] WiDE [x] LiMiTED [ ] FESTiVAL [ ] STV [ ] TELEViSiON SOURCE..:: [x] RETAiL [ ] DVDSCR [ ] R1 [ ] R2 [ ] R3 [ ] R4 [x] R5 [ ] R0 [x] SS [ ] DS [ ] DVD5 [x] DVD9 ViDEO...:: [ ] UNTOUCHED [x] CCE [6] PASSES AUDiO...:: [ ] UNTOUCHED [x] PARTiAL STRiP [ ] DOLBY 2.0 [x] DOLBY 5.1 [ ] DTS [ ] MONO [ ] STEREO [x] SURROUND [ ] COMMENTARY [ ] DV [x] ENGLiSH [ ] FRENCH [ ] SPANiSH [ ] OTHER [ ] SEE NOTES SUBS....:: [x] UNTOUCHED [ ] STRiPPED [ ] PARTiAL STRiP [ ] ENGLiSH [ ] FRENCH [ ] SPANiSH [ ] CHiNESE [ ] PORTUGESE [ ] NONE [x] OTHER [x] SEE NOTES ARCHiVE.:: [x] RAR [ ] OTHER [95] ARCHiVE COUNT iMAGE...:: [x] iMG [ ] iSO MENU....:: [ ] UNTOUCHED [x] REAUTHORED [ ] NONE EXTRAS..:: [ ] UNTOUCHED [x] STRiPPED [ ] PARTiAL STRiP MOVIE PLOT Awards: 1 Win 1 Nomination Tagline: When nature turns evil, true terror awaits. Plot Outline: A grieving couple retreats to their cabin in the woods, hoping to repair their broken hearts and troubled marriage. But nature takes its course and things go from bad to worse. CAST Willem Dafoe .............. :: .......................... He Charlotte Gainsbourg ...... :: ......................... She RELEASE NOTES REMOVED.:: Junk Cells Studio Intros Warnings Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround: Russian Dolby DTS: Russian Bonus Features Previews iNTACT..:: Main Feature CCE 6 Pass @ 5,242 Kbps 16:9 WS [2.35:1] Anamorphic Presentation Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround: English Optional Russian Subtitles MODiFiED:: First Played Main Menu First Played English Audio Track Removed Obsolete Menu Cells Specified AudioSubtitle References Modified Chain For Quicker DVD Navigation Well Wasnt Sure If We Were Gonna Release This. There Is A Retail R2 Out In Stores As Of Now, But Have Not Seen A Pre Of It Yet. This Is The RETAiL R5 With The Dolby 5.1 Audio, So Figured Wed Give The Retail DVDR Option For Those That Want It. The Menu Is In Russian But English End Users Only Need To Hit Play Or Enter Once The Menu Starts. The Default Audio Has Been Switched To English And The Subtitles Now Turned Off By Default Also. Enjoy :) Related Torrents
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