Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v3.0 Build 677000 + Serials

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Added on June 11, 2010 by in Applications > Windows
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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v3.0 Build 677000 + Serials (Size: 237.16 MB)
 APL_3.part1.rar100.14 MB
 APL_3.part2.rar100.14 MB
 APL_3.part3.rar36.88 MB



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·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·¤~๑°☆☆°๑~¤·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·☆☆☆ ~☢ Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v3.0 Build 677000 + Serials ☢~ ☆☆☆·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·¤~๑°☆☆°๑~¤·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.· FRENCH COMMENT UTILISER LIGHTROOM : images here :

Official Website Price : US$299 -------------- UPGRADE : US$99 -- This is last up2date version

############################ ABOUT ################################

What is Lightroom?

Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 3 software unites your digital photography essentials in one fast and intuitive package. Create something beautiful. Express your vision. Move your audience.

Lightroom gets you there with the tools you need to create great images, manage all your photographs, and showcase them with style and impact.

* Create brilliant images

* Streamline your digital photography

* Make an impact

* Professionals: Boost your bottom line

Create brilliant images

Create brilliant images

Above all, it's your images that matter.

Make them as great as you imagined they could be using the leading-edge image processing tools in Lightroom.

From sophisticated exposure and color controls to superior noise reduction and sharpening, Lightroom provides what you need to create stunning photographs.

State-of-the-art editing tools

Create the perfect look for every image, whether you shoot raw or JPEG.

Designed by the makers of Adobe Photoshop software in partnership with top

photographers around the world, Lightroom includes a comprehensive range of leading-edge image processing tools. Make precise overall adjustments to color

and contrast or use a flexible brush that lets you edit in targeted areas of your photo for just the look you want. Dodge and burn, convert to

black-and-white, add grain, reduce noise, adjust sharpness, and much more.

Develop presets

Save your favorite looks and apply them instantly.

Handy presets — many are included, or you can create and save your own — enable you to apply a series of

favorite adjustments in a single click.

Nondestructive editing

Experiment fearlessly with as many image-editing controls, enhancements, and looks as you like. Lightroom is a nondestructive environment that encourages

your creative exploration. Your original images are safely unaltered, and it's easy to reverse your steps or save multiple versions of any photograph.

Adobe Photoshop CS5 integration

Select multiple photos in Lightroom and automatically open them in Photoshop CS5 to merge them into a panorama, a high dynamic range (HDR) photo, or a

creative composite. See your edits immediately back in Lightroom.


In every way, Lightroom boosts your creativity and saves you time and effort.

Built to be fast, intuitive, and a pleasure to use, it's the efficient

assistant you need — one set of powerful tools for your digital photography tasks, whether you're adjusting one image, searching for ten, processing

hundreds, or organizing thousands.

Your photography essentials in one package

Quickly achieve the best from your photography with proven, refined software that provides efficient tools for your entire photography workflow.

You can edit, manage, and showcase all your images with one integrated solution.

Intuitive environment

Be productive and efficient, and enjoy the freedom and creativity that comes from working within an intuitive environment perfectly designed for the job.

The controls of Lightroom are easy to master and let you breeze through your photography tasks quickly and smoothly.

Highly tuned performance and design

Quickly edit one photograph or work efficiently with libraries of up to hundreds of thousands of images. The already fast performance of Lightroom has been

accelerated even further in Lightroom 3. The newly designed import interface is easy to set up and navigate, with clear visual indications of where your

photos will be located and how they'll be organized. Save time when processing images by applying the same Develop settings to all photos in a group at

once using presets or the sync feature. For example, correct the exposure from an entire shoot or convert all of the images to black-and-white.

Efficient image viewing and selecting

See, evaluate, and select your images quickly and clearly with flexible image viewing features. Instantly magnify one image or compare several. Even hide

the background and application interface so that you can focus on what matters most — your images.

Image management

Get organized and find images quickly with powerful asset management features. Easily group photos into collections, quickly assign searchable ratings and

keywords to one image or hundreds, manage your library across multiple drives, and sort or search for photos using many different criteria.

The Lightroom community

Trade tips, experience, Develop presets, and more with a thriving worldwide community of Lightroom users and photographers just like you in many venues

online and offline.


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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v3.0 Build 677000 + Serials

All Comments

Great download!
I cannot get it to work, guess I am just not smart enough because everyone else has theres working.
Works perfect thanks!