A black comedy set in 1967 and centered on Larry Gopnik, a Midwestern professor who watches his life unravel when his wife prepares to leave him because his inept brother won't move out of the house.
AVI File
Width: 720
Hight: 404
Framerate: 25 f/ps
Audio: 124 kbps
Length: 01:45:12
Genre: Comedy
English subtitles can be removed by removing the .SRT file in the folder.
Nederlandse ondertitels, verwijder het .srt bestand met dezelde naam als de film. Vervolgens verwijder je de letters NL zodat het 2e .srt bestand hetzelfde als de film heet, en voilá...Nederlandse ondertitels
* Ethan Coen
* Joel Coen
* Michael Stuhlbalt
* Richard Kind
* Fred Melamed
Trailer (Flash)
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IMDB User Rating: 8.1/10 (4,056 votes)
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