A Revolta do Preguicosos / Slacker Uprising - RHseeders: 0
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A Revolta do Preguicosos / Slacker Uprising - RH (Size: 1.23 GB)
Tipo de Arquivo / Type of Archive: Filme / Movie
Genero(s) / Gender: Documentario / Documentary Observacoes / Observations: Factos Veridicos / Real Facts Idioma(s) / Languade(s): Ingles / English Legendas / Subtitles: Portugues / Portuguese Pais(es) / Country(s): EUA / USA Tempo / Time: 1:40 Historia: O ultimo documentario do Michael Moore. Neste documentario ele mostra a campanha Anti-Bush que ele realizou antes das eleicoes presidenciais de 2004. Fez uma Tour pelos Estados Unidos a que chamou a "Revolta dos Preguicosos" para conseguir convencer o povo americano a votar nas eleicoes para que o Presidente Bush nao fosse eleito novamente. O Partido Republicano tentou por muitas vezes CENCURAR os discursos do Michael. Vejam tambem o filme "Fahrenheit 9/11", pois esta muito relacionado com este. Story: The last documentary of Michael Moore. Is this documentary he shows the campain Anti-Bush that he made before the 2004 presidencial election. He made a Tour around the US that he named "Slacker Uprising" to convince the american people to vote in the elections so that the President Bush wasnt going to be elected again. The Republican Party tried for many time to CENSURE the speaches of Michael. See also the movie "Fahrenheit 9/11" because is very related with this movie. IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0850669/ /> MAIS FILMES / OTHER MOVIES: http://www.mininova.org/user/humanocracia /> MAIS INFORMACOES: www.humanocracia.blogspot.com Related Torrents
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