Through this torrent, I am sharing with you 10 of my books that I have scanned over past few days.
They are on diverse subjects. All are in PDF format with OCR.
All the books are zipped into a single RAR file.
Details are as under :
01. 101 Science Games by Ivar Utial
Pustak Mahal, 1983, 114 pages, 4.79mb
02. 121 Mathematical Puzzles & Teasers by M. Champanerkar
Jeet Publications, 90 pages, 1.38mb
03. Great Indians by Dr. B.R.Kishore & P.P.Singh
Vee Kumar Publications, 96 pages, 1.86mb
04. Isaac Newton by Michael White
Orient Longman, 1991, 64 pages, 1.90mb
05. Miracles In Medicine by K.R.Srinivasan
IBH Education Trust, 1974, 63 pages, 956kb
06. Sherlock Holmes Puzzles by Tom Bullimore
Orient Paperbacks, 1992, 128 pages, 1.88mb
07. Spot Check - How to Cope with Household Stains by Nina Grunefeld, Michael Thomas
Pustak Mahal, 1983, 32 colour pages, 3.03mb
08. The History of Ancient Indian Mathematics by C M SRINIVASIENGAR
Word Press, 1988, 157 pages, 3.18mb
09. The Peter Principle by Dr Laurence J Peter , Raymond Hull
Pan Books, 1969, 157 pages, 1.65m
10. The Reader's Digest Pocket Companion
Reader's Digest Association, 1967, 96 pages, 1.59mb